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Killaloe nero... wow


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Crazy scene. One of the nicest backdrops for a stage I have ever personally seen. Cool people (other than some theivin' action), and just generally a great time. nero started late, but it was well worth the wait. Great late night set, a new song (Johnny something, REALLY phat), as well as a kick ass Lemondust, and a sweet Darius. The locals were loving it, as well as the few nero fans in attendance. Good to see Jstsmkd1 his lady and her brother, Asparagus and his lady, Velvet, Jordan, Stapes and of course the nero boys. A nice warm up for It this weekend. Might I add that this location would be a sick choice for a new Come Together venue. Lots of cool little place to check out, tons of room for camping, even a second stage area. Killaloe gets my vote for sure...

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I got there around 4:30 Friday, and there was maybe 30 people there, about five tents had been set up. So I scored the sweetest camping spot ever and checked the place out. Nice place, good vibes. Fridays music was ignorable and I spent the night meeting lots of crazy people and getting pretty smashed. The open stage didn't happen, though I did a full The Tummies dress rehearsal at my camp for an audience of one. There was maybe 200 people there on Friday night, though I may have been seeing double.

Saturday started fairly early - did a lot of jamming and hanging about. It started pouring so I camped out in my enormo-tent and somebody came by with a guitar, there went the afternoon. Checked out the social justice talks, which were really interesting, and finally started running into people that I knew.

The first band that played were called Guh. Trumpet/flugelhorn, sax, bagpipes, guitar with an octaver playing bass lines, and two drummers. They played composed and improvised outside jazz and they were really cool. Not much to say about the other bands, but I enjoyed nero a bunch and like the new tune. Got my cooler stolen (first time that's ever happened to me) and was glad that I had decided not to save my last Guinness for Sunday morning. Thanks to all who offered me a drink Saturday night. Woke up Sunday and got outta there.

All in all, a pretty good time, though not quite as raging as I expected. I wish campfires were allowed, it would be fun to go party campsite-to-campsite after the mainstage.

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Originally posted by Del-Head:

we did get some acoustic Lauzon in the morning though. Very cool, even Stapes was rocking the guitar. Nice way to spend the morning...

Acoustic Lauzon? Wow, I've only heard him on acoustic guitar once (the nero "benefit for the bus" houseparty in Rockport last April, at which I also got to play his electric rig [big Grin] ), and loved it; I've heard he's been composing on acoustic, so I'm hopeful for some of that on the new record.


BRAD (Bravely Requests Acoustic Dave)

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hey! i had a good time at killaloe on saturday as well. the nero set was stellar as always and i thought all the other bands were alright as well. they tried to squeeze in a few too many but none of them really sucked. unfortunately the fungus sort of got the best of me by the end of the night, but it was still a good time. there's another festival there next weekend that the locals seem to be excited about. killaloe is for sure a good spot for the CTMF, it's set up better and is a lot more green, and not all that far from toronto/hamilton.

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I too had a good time Saturday night - what a wicked spot for a music festival!! If this spot becomes the new Frontier Town, everyone will be better off! Beautiful spot and very nice folks all around. It was good to see the various skanks as well and catch up a bit. Sorry the shot showdown didn't really happen Pablo! Somewhere after 4am I told DownTown I was going for a power nap and didn't wake up til 9:30am. Nero's set was pretty smokin'. Guh sounded alright, and the others I really don't recall.

Hey Velvet --- I might know something about your missing cooler! You know where my tent was right? Well about 20 feet higher up that hill we were on there was a cooler sitting there, in the bushes. I couldn't understand at all why the hell it was there! I looked inside and it was empty except for some water that seemed to be mixed with the remnants of hummus or some other crap. I think it might've been a blue cooler. Was it yours?

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There was supposed to be a great big bonfire going towards the back but as far as I know (maybe not very far) the big fire didn't happen.. Can anyone confirm?

Velvet - yup that's the one, but unfortunately I didn't grab it. but i could draw you a good map of where it is if ya want!

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