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Dig (Brian Jonestown Massacre/ Dandy Warhols)


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While I don't identify closely with the music, I did I guess see Dandy Warhols in Halifax during their heyday but that's about it, this is a great music documentary. 7 year biopic of the parallel arcs of Anton Newcomb and Courtney (?) of the Dandy Warhols. Anton makes Daniel Johnston look like a churchmouse. A number of really great things about this film just in terms of telling the story. They definitely show some really dark ass moments.

One of the most endearing characters and most pathetic is Joel Gion. There's a really telling scene when the realize the band is really done and Joel says something half hearted like 'I'll probably do some other stuff with other people, I won't be a tambourine man though'. Dude totally realized he was just an act and wasted four years of his life. Like he was just Anton's junky flunky and never even bothered to learn an instrument. Douchebag.

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Awesome flick, highlighting the underbelly of indie rock pretentiousness.

That's an strange interpretation but fair play to you. I actually saw it more as being the rivalry of two bands and ultimately the thirst for celebrity of the individuals rather than pretension. And like the Daniel Johnston doc yet another case study on what art troubled minds produce

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