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The Blue Jays are at it again...


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its unfathomable to me that the "market value" for a 13 game loser (or a guy with an era near 5.00) is 10 million a year. left arm or not, 15 game winner or not, HE LOST 13!!! and who knows how many more of his 5 or 6 "no decisions" didnt go the Jays way.

owners and agents have lost their fucking minds.

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You could never tell witch Ted Lilly was going to show up for the game. When he was on he was good, but when he was not it was TERRIBLE. I don't care if he is a lefty or not, when you can't be consistent, you are not a good pitcher!! I am hoping that some of the young arms will step up for the Jays next season.

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when you really think about its not OUR money thats being thrown around its the owner's. Shouldn't they be allowed to spend money their way?

Ya, McCowans arguement seems to make sense on the surface, but if you really think about it...

JD Drew - 70 mil. If he sucks, no one, I mean no one will take him off their hands.

So ya, its not our money, but we do suffer if we like the team, no?

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Booche your right...but I think if your team is spending money on a winner, the fans will show up. It's a catch 22, the only way to put fans in the seat is give us a winner, and the only way to give us a winner is to put fans in the seat to make money to pay the players. Sooner or later, one of those things has to happen first. And it's easier for the owners to take a hit in their bank accounts in the short term in order to provide a winner for the fans to show up.

Also, I am not that convinced that any of my few hundred dollars I spend on the Jays each season actually goes to the players...

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Afro, I totally agree with your point. You have to spend to produce.

BUT at what point do the fans say "Enough is enough" ?

The ARod contract felt like a big enough slap in the face but this is getting out of control, to the point I dont really feel like paying attention.

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70 mil for JD Drew?

He wasn't all that great in his prime.

JD Drew is right in his prime. He started playing in the majors right out of college ball. He's also the first player to snub the team that drafted him. He's hated amongst many owners and players, the most outspoked being (surprise surprise), Curt Shilling.

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Actually I read somewhere (or heard it on PTI?) that Schilling has told Boston fans not too boo Drew...

And there we have Schilling acting like Schilling. He was Drew's biggest critic when he was drafted. Drew isn't worth 70mil. No one is, but I'm loving the Sox signing of Drew. They can have the fucking prick and clubhouse cancer.

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This is the Drew who played for the Angels 10 years ago right? He must be a late bloomer. I remeber him being about a .280 hitter with average speed and 20 HR/season power.

Has he gotten better and I haven't noticed or is that now worth 70 mil?

He's going into either his 8th or 9th year. He's 31. He was injured-prone through the early part of his career. But, I have to stop making excuses for this punk because I hate JD Drew more than Booche hates the Leafs.

Edited by Guest
I hate JD Drew
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I was just thinking....

If the Jays didnt have Vernon (but had the same team as they do now), and he was on the last year of his contract with another team, it wouldnt be out of the realm of expectations to trade a couple of prospects for him, would it? So why not just keep him for this year and try to win, then say see ya, cuz, well, thats what happens in sports, contracts end. I see no need in trading him this year. Unless its for serious bullpen help.

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Yea Gil Meche just signed for the same contract as AJ Burnett.


I mean AJ was overpriced but at least the guy can be amazing when he's healthy...Meche is Lilly with more upside...the Royals??? jeebus

and Ya Hal, thats what the Jays are thinking. It makes more sense to keep him unless they are offered a top flight pitcher, a everyday OF, and a prospect for him. Although there are a few teams that can do that. The Angels for one...could you imagine taking Ervin Santana or John Lackey off their hands PLUS Howie Kendrick or Chone Figgins?? I sure as hell could...

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Gil Meche is about to sign with the powerhouse Kansas City Royals. I guess he thinks the Royals have a better shot than the Jays and Yankees.

Reports I've read said Meche and his wife did not want to live in a big city.

still, I cant believe he signed with the Royals...they have lots of good young talent but they wont be good for a few years at least...hey kinda like the Tigers a few years back eh? hmmmm

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There is no over pay in baseball... the average salary in baseball increases every year, signifcantly! The more the other 26 teams try to keep up with the Yankees, the faster that average rises... with KC willing to up the stakes like that, I wouldn't be surprised to see other small market teams make the same push, and won't be holding my breath for the next Blue Jays championship! Though they will be fun to watch!!! So much Hitting!

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The great thing about baseball, is despite all the spending and all the percieved "major" vs. "minor" market teams, there is so much parity that any team can win the World Series in any year. Case in point the fact that for the past 6 years (or 7?) there has been a different team win the championship and many of them have been teams with "small" payrolls: Marlins, Angels, D-Backs, White Sox etc...

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