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Super Bowl XLI


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Dude, just so we are clear, when I said "blitz-filled affair" I meant so in football terms.

When a linebacker(s) and/or defensive back(s) joins the defensive linemen in rushing the quarterback, it is called a blitz. One, two, three, or four of them may blitz the quarterback, overwhelming the offensive linemen. Cagey quarterbacks look for blitzes, anticipating vacant areas to throw to, maybe to a "hot receiver," such as the tight end.
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How did that old SNL skit go? Bears 145, Peyton Manning 0... with William Perry scoring 2 rushing TDs.

I think it would be cool for Grossman to win the big game the same year as the Gators win the national championship.

And this will be the first major sporting event to grace my new HDTV, though I'll probably be too BLITZED by kick-off to notice. Prince's backup dancers should look pretty good.

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I thought they had Indy by 7?

This is gonna be a rough Super Bowl. Usually I party pretty hard the night before and by the time Half-Time rolls around Ive had 8 more beers and a couple of doobs. I always manage to wake up for the end of the fourth, but this year, I duont know, Ground hog fest the night before...yikes.

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Considering the first time I saw you, you were double-fisting pitchers......I have no reason not to believe you.

But I am also sure you poured a bunch of beers for people, yet I am sure you got through 10 of them.

This was back when you could really drink though, right?


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Yes it was. It was at AJ's and our table went through 40 pitchers. There was only 5 of us. There was some sort of contest, you got ballotts for every pitcher you ordered.

That was also the year we broguht couches into AJ's through the back door and set ourselves up a nice compfy spot on the dance floor.


Booche likes pitchers too


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14 pitchers...were you the only catcher?

LOL ... that's exactly what I thought of responding when I read that post. There was talk about "catchers" on the radio this morning. Talk about a film called "Zoo" at the Sundance Film Fest right now ... "catching" for "pitching" HORSES!!!


Documentary on bestiality premieres at Sundance Film Festival

By Kenneth Turan

Los Angeles Times

Posted January 21 2007, 6:39 PM EST

PARK CITY, Utah -- "Zoo" is a documentary about what director Robinson Devor accurately characterizes as "the last taboo, on the boundary of something comprehensible." But remarkably, an elegant, eerily lyrical film has resulted.

"Zoo," premiering before a rapt audience Saturday night at Sundance, manages to be a poetic film about a forbidden subject, a perfect marriage between a cool and contemplative director (the little-seen "Police Beat") and potentially incendiary subject matter: sex between men and animals. Not graphic in the least, this strange and strangely beautiful film combines audio interviews (two of the three men involved did not want to appear on camera) with elegiac visual re-creations intended to conjure up the mood and spirit of situations. The director himself puts it best: "I aestheticized the sleaze right out of it."


Devor and his writing partner, Charles Mudede, live in Seattle and were stunned, as were many in the state, by a story that broke in 2005 about a local man who died after having sex with an Arabian stallion. Though bestiality is not illegal in Washington, the subsequent revelation of the existence of an Internet-based zoophile community (the men refer to themselves as "zoos," hence the title) was a shock.

Though there was the inevitable tabloid fuss, what Devor called "the prurient spectacle," the filmmaker was also "shocked that nobody did an in-depth look at this, that there was no investigative reporting rounding the story out with the psychology involved. I thought, 'This is an opportunity.' "

Though "Zoo" is intent on allowing these men to be heard, Devor's intention was not polemical. "I'm not in there wrestling with the legal or animal cruelty issues," he said. Rather, he envisioned a film like his others: "I count on the natural world pulling my films through. I thought the marriage of this completely strange mind-set and the beauty of the natural world could be something interesting."

In introducing "Zoo" at Sundance, Devor called it "a difficult film and a difficult film to make."

He added: "A lot of people looked at me as if I was an exploitative person, dredging up something for profit, and that bothered me. I was certainly asked many times, often with a wrinkled brow, 'Why are you making this film?' It was something I did resent; I thought artists had the opportunity to explore anything."

In the end, Devor ended up agreeing with the Roman writer Terence, who said "I consider nothing human alien to me."

"It happens," the filmmaker said, "so it's part of who we are."

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While I'm not a beastiality expert, here's what I think:

Indy will stuff 8 in the box to shut down the run. They can do this because Grossman is an inept passer at this point in his career. The Bears D is not what it was in the first half plus Tank Johnson could be in jail by game time if he brings his guns to South Beach.

The line is 7 (already adjusted for PUBLIC support - meaning it should be 9), but watch for that to drop. Chicago is a very PUBLIC team and the casual Super Bowl bettor will be eager to play that side with the points. If it goes to 6 that's huge value on Indy.

You gotta figure Indy is good for at least four scores. Can Chicago's offence do that away from home, against Manning (experience) with a QB who has started 25 NFL games? In the Superbowl?

If your heart's telling you Chicago - you're PUBLIC. It also means that your brain isn't. That being said, it's sports and anything can happen. Like a Phish setlist.

We're going with a Cuban theme at my place with a lot of rum and lime. That should suit Miami.

Enjoy the game!

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