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The State of the Union


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Surprised no one's been talking about this. I put up a blow by blow of Bush's remarks for my new smart friends at Stillepost (okay they're not my friends but they're smart).

Blow by Blow:

He had a touching moment right away acknowledging the historical first 'Madame Chair' to Nancy Pelosi, Democratic speaker of the house.

Started with domestic issues, addressing in no particular order, the health of the economy, things like limited liability for medical practicioners (I think the GOP was up and the Dem's down for that - haven't thought it through), No Child Left Behind (education), private school tax credits, a very tricky plan for what seemed like a two tier removing healthcare from wage creating tax deductions($7500 single, $12,000 family) allow people to buy into private healthcare (very confusing and the thin edge of a big wedge).

Then the Iraq fire and brimstone segments. The domestic packages seemed aimed at the floor these sections seemed aimed at the country. Hilary Clinton later said there were 'sad echoes' of the war on Terror i.e. invoking Al Qaeda, Zarqawi, Osama yet avoided the looming and imminent threat of sectarian violence.

Then the baffling Dikembe Mutumbo, Wes Autrey (subway hero), and Sgt. Tommy Reiman passage. Although Wes doing the peace outs to cats on the floor was perhaps the coolest moment in American politics of recent memory.

The thing to get is that while the Dems are trying to move in one herd there are a lot of new and untrained politicians on the hill - the so-called Macho Dems that the national party fielded in close races to tople GOp candidates. Bush played really well I'd say, he wasn't awkward at all I thought - the guy's a machine in front of even a partisan audience. The reality is though that he is not preaching to the choir.

First comment coming out of the speech was charlie Gigson I believe saying "whether or not he'll have strong allies in the congress is very much in doubt". The Democratic response was good from James Webb and the latino response as well from the Dems (reflecting the sizeable shifts in demographics - by 2040 1 in 5 americans will be hispanics- traditionally viewed as voting Dem)

Here also is an interesting article about the number of times various words have been used in this year and previous state's of the Union.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Economy, Iran, Insurance, Social Security, Oil

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