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Bill Gates on Jon Stewart - Monday night


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Once in all memory I recall a guest on a show without something to promote (besides themselves) and that was Kevin Nealon on Conan O'Brien. He talked about how he'd mainly been reviewing porn lately, that his new career direction was as a porn reviewer. Although the arc of all his reviews was depressingly the same 'interesting, interesting, INTERESTING, very interesting, no interest at all...'.

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Just about every guest on every show ever has something to sell.

One notable exception to this is CBS Sunday Morning. When they do a piece on someone, it's not that they have the person on as a guest in the studio; instead, a reporter goes to where someone (a writer, a musician, a director, etc.) lives and works, and presents a profile of the person, including personal professional history, his/her current life, etc. And it's almost always done simply because the person is intersting, outside of any "promotional" context. It's one of the reasons I think CBS Sunday Morning is the best Sunday morning news show.



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