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PETA Announcement


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"We will get nakeder than ever before."

'nuff said. :/

Seriously, I find the whole cruelty-to-animals debate is rife with a great deal more ambiguity than is readily apparent -- and no, I'm not excusing any of the excesses undertaken in the food or pet or cosmetics industries -- but doesn't this muddy the waters a little more? You know... the whole medium/message thing?

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Did you watch the whole thing whoever watches this?

I turned it off at the first sign of animal cruelty videos. [color:purple]Way to get their message across.

PETA is a cult of personality. Might as well give your money to Scientology for all the good it's going to do.

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I think PETA absolutely has its place.

You need only look to the related thread on this board to see that Iams started regulating its contractors based on an exposé by PETA to know that PETA can be effective to make the world a little safer for animals.

It is fair to criticize them for malfeasance, as in the case of any NGO, but I believe their raison d'être is a good one.

In case it matters, I haven't been to the link in this thread.

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I believe PETA's raison d'etre essentially is a good one. I find it problematic, however, when they go far enough into left field to end up losing sight of what they're doing. In essence, I find they're uncompromising where it comes to animal rights (right and meet so to do) but they make creative compromises and rationalizations where their relating to fellow humans are concerned.

By the way, why aren't the newest attack ads the Conservatives pitted against Stephane Dion more like this? Just wondering... ;)

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