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Breast cancer charity too anal to accept donation

Davey Boy 2.0

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Or perhaps not anal enough. Anyway not sure if this belongs in the WTB/WTS, Slip, Sports or Politics forum so here it lands:

The Breast Cancer Society of Canada has rejected the offer of thousands of dollars from a fundraising group of exotic dancers in Vancouver.

Exotic Dancers for Cancer holds an annual charity event in memory of a former dancer who lost her life to the disease.

Last year, the event raised $6,000.

However, former dancer Trina Ricketts said the society sent her an e-mail declining the money this year, because its major donors did not support a connection to exotic dancers.

She says the society has taken the group's contributions in the past.

"I really feel that it's a strong indication of the degree of the stigma that exotic dancers experience when an organization doesn't even want to be associated with them for fear of experiencing the same stigma."

Ricketts said her group is still looking for a cancer charity that will accept a donation.

The annual event will be held next month at a downtown hotel.

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That's just ridiculous. So, you've got a bunch of female dancers who have breasts and want to raise money to help fight a disease that directly effects them. WTF? What's the problem with that? Maybe I could understand if it was "Crack Whores For A Cure" or something, but what difference does it really make? Exotic dancers can lure so much money out of the pockets of patrons, why not get some out for a cure instead? Maybe they should make that brass pole pink?

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oh come on, sure money is money, but see it from the Society's point of view. Accept $6,000 here, and most likely lose $25,000 there or $100,000 there. im not saying it right, but it's real life folks. i'm sure they anguished over this decision and it's one that didnt want to have to make. but, "criminal", "ridiculous", "as shole"? puh-lease.

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don't know what sort of major sponsor would be publicly willing to pull their money due to $6000 from a group who lost a friend to the disease... talk about bad PR

and if they would pull their money out over that, in my eyes they're the ones who's money is dirty

far too much uncalled for finger pointing in this world

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I will retract the as shole comment... some people are just ill informed or too uptight and make bad judgements

borderline criminal I stand by, that sort of major league diss will make some of those girls sad enough to get sick

I grew up hearing constantly how "thats just how the world is"... older now and don't believe those words anymore... look at it as thats how the world will stay if people don't stand up for whats just

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what's the saying "people who live in glass houses..."

what does that half to do with me taking the money

i'give it to the cncer society they would take it here

if i gave it, as they don,t want too much money they may find the real cure

i honestly don,t think they will let the cure out as it is all money racket, and after all these years they should have mor for cancer patients besides chemo, i want them all to have a cure and live, it,s there

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