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Surprise Me Mr. Davis


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They're songs by SMMD. They're like this group from mostly boston two brothers (really cool dudes- we became friends after a while). The bass player is sick funny, like Larry David funny but only I seem to realize just how fucking funny and anyways it mainly has to do with these looks and poses he does and how he looks at me when he's playing on stage like a creepy uncle. The singer guy I don't know but I'm starting to think is the Bob Dylan of Northern California.

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Do you know what it is that's really getting me down so no one's too worried. It's that on Clifton Rd. where I've lived since I was nine or my family has (first at 120 then four doors up at 128). Anyways the odd numbers is what sucks. The odd numbered houses. The kid across the street got smoked by a highspeed train making out with his girlfriend on bacheloreat in Italy right after high school and they died instantly cause they were making out on the tracks and the trains I guess go really fast and are quiet. He tried to push her out of the way.

The Charley Peoples next door lost a boy at one and a half. They are called the Charley Peoples because my sister simone when she was a child (she's only 15 now) called them that cause one boy (living) is Charlie. Next door to that Northrop Frye lived for a really long time and Frye is like a god to me and anyways a lot cooler than McLuhan and McLuhan is cool enough. U of T you know. Two doors over one of four boys I believe 19 put himself to sleep in the garage with the car (last week- like right across the street- my brother's best friend growing up's little brother).

That's excluding all the other people I know who aren't with us anymore (one of whom Cully and I know all too well and who also died in front of a train).

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good to remember those who came before... helps one appreciate our own luck in getting to carry on on this particular journey...

ex-girlfriend of a guy in a band we know told me a pretty horrific tale of having been totally in love with the sweetest guy when she was 16 living in central america... they were in his village and heard something, flash flood... they ran for a rooftop and she made it and he didn't... she watched him swept away... pretty sad stuff

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It's like that Jamie. Flash Flood.

Children shouldn't die before their parents, same with younger and older siblings. That's one of those facts that's colour blind and pretty much everyone intuitively agrees upon and I'm pretty sure a Mohawk Jewish kid named Robbie Robertson wrote the song Tears of Rage about just this.

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Does everyone know at least one person that has been killed by a train? If that's the case, someone should be looking into the conspiracy. My English partner in grade 12 got killed by a train.

Needless to say, I can listen to SMMD anytime, anywhere and it'll always put a smile on my face.

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On a much cooler note and a cool coincidence. Okay basically I do eight things at once and always have that many windows open and type about 95wpm sometimes it seems. But one thing I do is listen to a lot of random tracks that I have learned random things about. I'm using www.imeem.com lately for some of the track streaming. Basically a lot of it turns out really cool but cause I'm filtering it based on other stuff I've learned.

Then I go to the next track I'm 'researching' after say Junior Boys - In The Morning and The Black Angels - Black Grease I think those were the last two (very very different). Then I just go to randomly click the next one and it's EL-P (El Producto) and I'm thinking hella yeah. El Producto himself Mr. Def Jux. and the tune is called

Everything Must Go

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I'm using www.imeem.com lately for some of the track streaming. Basically a lot of it turns out really cool but cause I'm filtering it based on other stuff I've learned.

Interesting. Yet another web 2.0 app that I will have to investigate as a tool. what's your handle? Considering that it is community based, I have to find and add you.

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Explain how it's a Web 2.0 app because I don't get that and reallly want to. I spend a lot of time hanging out with Vincent Marcone who is like a peer, he won the Juno for Jakalope's album cover and turns down 8 jobs for the one he takes and 3 guys do it and it takes five months and they get fifty grand but there's 7 of those projects and whatever. www.mypetskeleton.com is their personal url and really famous globally I gather especially with darkos. Oh and I mean the shit you should fucking here coming out of an internet shop with three mad digital artists with hard coding and math skills is off the charts CSIS sick.

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what bouche said

and also think that Web 2.0 is the intent to build sites that load as quickly as possible, have a design that is simple and intuitive and that can processes tasks super effectively

Web 2.0 relies on css (cascading style sheets) in design instead of html... this allows designers to define any design element once and then call that element into play each and every time it occurs thoughout any of the pages within that site... means less code for the browser to read, making it faster to load than html designs (which have to define every element every time, generally multiple times through out the site)

ajax is a big leap forward for what happens behind the scenes on a site cause it does a lot of its work from within the browser instead of having to keep asking the web server what to do next

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I wouldn't put WC or Second Life in the game of web 2.0, as those are considered MMORPG

web 2.0 is a style of not only community interaction requirements but also of a functionality that allows any platform be it windows, OSX, or Linux to access the capabilities. Flickr is a perfect example of that. Even the name is synonymous to web 2.0. Dropping the 'e' in the name is also part of the trend.

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