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Lets start talking Canada Day Bash 07


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As most of you know we throw a little shindig in the backyard every July 1st and we're hoping to do so again.

So my question to you is, Who do you want to play this year? fans, musicians, managers let me know either here or email me at canadadaybash07@hotmail.com. And I'll start making the magic happen.

Personally I'd like to talk to someone from that Andrew Rodriquez band from Dekcuf a few weeks ago. Jeremy you out there?

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How about some hip-hop (a genre which I don't think has been represented as bashes past)? Kingston's Slaves Of Spanky (of whom Skank Marf is a member) opened for JSB back in January, and ripped it up pretty good. It's two MCs, backed up by a keyboards/bass/drums trio. Their songs tend to be actual songs, with hooks/choruses/identities, rather than just strings of rhymes, and they could, I think, get the crowd jumping. (Another source for hip-hop acts might be DJ D-Mass; he knows about the bashes, as he's in Inglewood Jack.)



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BGH will rise again.

Andre and Dave won't be involved, but the mighty acoustic phoenix will rise from the acoustic ashes. Acoustically.

So which original members does that leave us with? You, bouche, and Van Whalen? Who will fill out the rest of the band?



Edited by Guest
Add bouche to the "original BGH members" list. Sorry, bouche.
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