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The First Thing I Do When I Retire Will Be...


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I'm gonna sleep in till 4.30am every morning and read the paper to see how much further down the shit tube the world has sunk since I was a kid. Then, I'm gonna sit in the front window and watch the neighbours for a while, keep an eye on 'em. Around 11am, I'll head down to the local tavern and sit there on my favorite stool all afternoon and drink small draughts of cold beer. Then, it's back home to the front porch where I'll watch the Catholic schoolgirls coming home from school. I like the kilts.

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Originally posted by Schwa.:

Golf and steal stuff.

Shortly after my Dad retired (mid-80s) from his computer job, he was at the golf course he and his buddies used to play on Sunday mornings (Morningside, for those who remember it). Over the years, he got to know the owner/operator pretty well, and one day, he asked the guy if he needed any help.

"You're kidding!"

"No, I'm retired, and I'm looking for something to do part-time."

"You're hired."

He worked behind the counter a couple of days a week, dispensing greens fees and selling snacks. Then, when the course was turned into condos [Mad] , he used his contacts there to get a job at Cedarbrae Golf & Country Club, again working the counter and then also doing duty as the starter a few days a week.

Of course, he also got to play Cedarbrae pretty much whenever he wanted (it's a moderately tough course), and most private clubs have an "exchange policy" whereby members/employees of one course can play at another, no charge (except for maybe cart rental). So he didn't steal stuff, but he got free golf, entry to golf shows, and gear at wholesale. He also got several of his retired buddies jobs there.

Nice work, if you can get it...



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