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things overheard on campus ...


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1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

5. Wanna play ping pong?


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1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

5. Wanna play ping pong?

6. WTF?

7. The Simpsons are like SO first year! (I actually heard a guy say that on the bus)

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1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

5. Wanna play ping pong?

6. WTF?

7. The Simpsons are like SO first year! (I actually heard a guy say that on the bus)

8. Wanna skip afternoon classes and go to the pub.

9. I'm going to try to get through this semester without buying any books! (I saved so much money this way!)

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1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

5. Wanna play ping pong?

6. WTF?

7. The Simpsons are like SO first year! (I actually heard a guy say that on the bus)

8. Wanna skip afternoon classes and go to the pub.

9. I'm going to try to get through this semester without buying any books! (I saved so much money this way!)

10. Fiction...that means it's real or not...I can never remember.

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1. My course books are, like, totally heavy.

2. You should see my schedule, I have to walk miles between classes.

3. Q: Do you know where the student centre is? A: Turn around.

4. Get out of here Booche, what are you, like 80?

5. Wanna play ping pong?

6. WTF?

7. The Simpsons are like SO first year! (I actually heard a guy say that on the bus)

8. Wanna skip afternoon classes and go to the pub.

9. I'm going to try to get through this semester without buying any books! (I saved so much money this way!)

10. Fiction...that means it's real or not...I can never remember.

11. That's what I'm talking about, in Japan, they've got it going on. People are always like, "Well why didn't you stay there, then?" and the answer is I couldn't, my visa expired.

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Guy 1: Man, I totally lost my voice this weekend.

Guy 2: Yeah?

Guy 1: Yeah, after my buddies picked me up we basically drove around Hamilton screaming at people for hours.

(couple minutes later, down the hall, same two guys)

Guy 1: Yeah, there was one guy who got a little testy as I was leaving.

Guy 2: Yeah?

Guy 1: Yeah, I just went back to say goodbye to Julie, and I'm like, "see you later Julie", and this one guy looks all pissed, and I'm like, "Dude, what the fuck?" and he's all, "You're standing on my hat" and I look down and there's his hat on the ground. But I'm like, "Dude, I'm fuckin drunk, and your hat is on the ground!"

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