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Keep baseball in Ottawa

Big Wooly Mammoth

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Real ball fans would either:

a) already have tickets

B) not mind waiting in line

c) not never return to another game after having to wait.

Ottawa is not a baseball town.

Clearly tickets sales was another major prob with the organization.

Why would they not bring in extra ticket window people? Because normally they wouldn't need them, ie. noone would show up.

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Think of it this way... you don't think taking half the parking away from the Ottawa Senators would hurt attendance? I wouldn't make the long drive out there if I wasn't guaranteed a parking spot.

Yeah, but if only 30% of the parking spots were being used for 98% of the games - no I don't think it would make much of a difference. Whereas out there they know they need 98% of the spots 98% of the time....

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Yeah, exactly my point. When has lack of parking ever been a problem in the last several years? (I started going to games in '98 and never once saw a full lot)

read my previous post. I went to about 10 games year starting in 2002, and experienced that several times, generally on a nice Monday of a long weekend.

how many times do people have to wait an hour to pay for parking before they give up and say "never again"?

answer: once


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So let's find out:

a) the capacity of the parking lot

B) the number of times attendance even came close that #.

I don't doubt a handfull of games per year - but I don't think it's THE factor.

You have to show up to NOT get a parking spot. NOONE SHOWED UP.

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Not when they were setting attendance records.

I dont doubt this 'fairweather fans' portion but I strongly suspect, if not believe, that parking played a huge role in the beginning of the demise. Once people stopped going, they forgot about it.

As you admitted Geoff we never experienced those issues which is why we kept going back but if it were anything like that last game there is no way I would have taken the chance and would have missed many many games. It was brutal.

how many times do people have to wait an hour to pay for parking before they give up and say "never again"?

answer: once

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Not trying to be anti-ottawa, just think its funny that you guys would blame parking instead of yourselves. I happen to think that the parking situation would stink and turn off a few fans, but I also think that theres not enough "real" fans to make up for that one nuiscance.

And all I'm saying is that you weren't here to experience it so you can imagine all you like but you're opinion in this case is still invalid.

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Yeah, I have been in many a parking jam trying to get into a venue but I aint never been in something so ugly (Phish fests dont count here). It was truly something I couldnt have imagined and so poorly designed that I finally understood why the Lynx cried "foul" for so many years.

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So let's find out:

a) the capacity of the parking lot

B) the number of times attendance even came close that #.

I don't doubt a handfull of games per year - but I don't think it's THE factor.

You have to show up to NOT get a parking spot. NOONE SHOWED UP.

I agree. It's not THE factor. But I am convinced it was a contributing factor.

Lack of promotion was also a factor. But that's another story.

It was before I moved here, but I understand that the 67s were doing very badly attendance-wise a few years ago. A new owner, new marketing, more promotions, etc. resulted in a significant increase in attendance.

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Some are asserting it's a "huge" factor etc. I don't see anyone else claiming that (blogs, press, etc.)

Here's some food for thought:

Average attendance dropped to 8,909 in 1994, 6,888 in 1995 and 5,423 in 1996 before dropping far below the break-even mark for the past nine seasons.

Break-even mark was apparently 4000/game and they have been averaging around 2000/game for the past nine seasons.

You really think lack of parking (for 2000 fans/cars max) is a factor in the teams popularity in the last 9 years?

C'mon guys....

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I have to admit, I was the one who killed the Lynx. I went to a game way back in 1996 with some friends who brought their young children. Some asshole usher wouldn't let them bring in juice and crackers for their 3 and 4 year old boys. I told everyone I knew about this incident. The typical reaction was "if that's how they treat their fans, I'll never go to a Lynx game". By the next season, attendance had dwindled. So I take full responsibility.

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You certainly summed up my beliefs with those numbers Hux. Parking was definitely a factor when you see those initial attendance numbers. You really think it wasnt? Come'on guy.

You really think lack of parking (for 2000 fans/cars max) is a factor in the teams popularity in the last 9 years?

That's not what I was trying to say but I am sure people easily forgot about the game here.

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