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Bloody Hell...


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It seems someone (yours truly) left the car unlocked and window open last night.


Modest Mouse-We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

Modest Mouse-Good News For People Who Love Bad News

Ween-Quebec (autographed by Dean and Gene)

The Sadies-In Concert Vol. 1.

and our falling apart CD book....(mind you, it was time to toss it and all those CD's out)

They did leave us with the visor discs though.

COCKSUCKER...I loved that Sadies disc.

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So does this mean that rubberdinghy has essentially given up his license to own a legal backup of his recordings? Does he have to remove these tracks from his computer if he's ripped them for an mp3 player?

I wonder how the CRIA or RIAA would respond.

sorry about the theft dinghy. if you've never done that before, you probably won't again.

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No kidding...Normally, I only bring burned discs to the car....unfortunately I'm sure you've seen my "Computer Help" thread.

Thanks Sean...I've got digital copies of those discs, but I'd still like to buy them again. I'll have to go to End Hits for that Sadies disc, but I have to pick up New Seasons as well.

Maybe Modest Mouse will hit the discount bin soon.

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That sucks. Hopefully you can find the cds for cheap somewhere. when you come to Toronto you could probably find all or most cds used at sonic boom on bloor. I lost both those modest mouse cd's also. I was cleaning my car and took those cds out and put them on the roof of my car then drove off by mistake.

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Other than Quebec I have all of those cds, that you more than welcome to copy.

Weird too: the only time I have had cds stolen out of a car I lost 2 out of those 4.

Christine's car got broken into last year and they also took Ween's Quebec. Left the Dinosaur Jr. though.

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Yeah call them right away. When some idiot decided to steal my cds, his take away was MMW, The Band, Gypsy Soul, Ziggy Stardust etc.

With such a unique list the guy didn't even flinch and told me- "yeah I just bought them. You can call the cops and have them take your cds; or you can have them back for what I paid for them."

Bam, over $100 worth of cds back in my hands for a cool twenty.


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why would you have to pay the store anything to get back CDs that were stolen from you? didn't the used cd store buy stolen goods and therefore automatically gives up their right over them? i know, it would be a matter of you proving that they were stolen, but i'd think the CD store would possibly be willing to give them back to you, rather than have you call the police, etc.

i know, how delightfully naive I am ;)

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It was pay $20 and get them right then no questions asked, or call the copsk, file a report have them show up and take a statement and then have them hold on to the cds for evidence at the trial which would have taken between 6 and 8 months.

Also I failed to mention in my first post that with the cds that got stolen was my pipe and herb so I was a little nervous about this guy going to trial and ratting me out.

Yes he was in possession of stolen merch, but he did what he to do legally: took valid id info from the thief.

I was lucky enough to glance at the info while in the store and got the guys phone number. I called him up and told him I wanted everything else back (including the burned cds). I got most of them back, and my pipe and herb (minus a few bowls).


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