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Any Dreamweaver Guru's Out There?


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hey friends.. is anyone out there familiar with designing pages in dreamweaver, using layers (as opposed to frames) and css style sheets? i need help simply getting the page (and contents) to center itself depending on the browser window... went through a couple online tutorials yesterday and still failed miserably - if anyone thinks they can help me, drop me a pm and i'll love ya forever... thanks in advance. :)

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I'm not a dreamweaver expert, but css-wise here's what you need to do...

Usually I include a main DIV which is like my main content wrapper. This needs to have a width, so whatever your design dictates, then you set the left and right margins to auto for the centering effect. So like this:

.layout {

width: 780px; /* or whatever your width is */

margin: 0 auto 0 auto; /* top, right, bottom, left */


That should do the trick... Although sometimes I have to add in "text-align: center;". Then all the other divs will need a text-align: left;.

Good luck.

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That's funny; I'm spending my day in Dreamweaver but I'm certainly not an expert. A beginner would be more accurate. I'm all excited that I finally got the whole Local Site / Remote Site thing working for a couple of sites that I maintain. Up until this point I have just been opening pages one at a time off the server itself.

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thanks all.

i found this tutorial that basically said i cant do what im hoping to do... then later implied that, hey, maybe i could? :crazy: at any rate, nothing my fingers have done yet have yielded any results, so either im missing something or just generally confused.

so, i scrapped it and decided to work on something even more minimalist, and im just gonna deal with the left-justification.

pics of c-towns mom forthcoming.

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