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Web / HTML help

Jay Funk Dawg

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I've been messing around with building websites of late - I'm getting the hang of ftp and editing html code - is there any one here who does this type of work on a regular basis?

I've been using:


to help with some of the design - mostly I've been using wordpad to edit the documents - I am assuming that most people use Dreamweaver - any ideas or advice would be helfull!

here the the websites I'm working on:





the things I want to add to these sites is the ability to add yourself automatically to the email list and in terms of nufunk.ca I want some windows to open in a new window - rather than inside a window of the site.


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Hey Jaydawk. The standard way to do this is with a target attribute.. so:




Note though that while target works across browsers, it is deprecated, and the practice of opening links in new windows/tabs in increasingly considered rude. But assuming you aren't concerned about the politics of it, that should do the trick.

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the things I want to add to these sites is the ability to add yourself automatically to the email list and in terms of nufunk.ca I want some windows to open in a new window - rather than inside a window of the site.


adding people to an email list has to be voluntary. I hope that is what you mean. There's not much to do in order to allow someone to subscribe to your email list, however you have to learn a few fundamentals about databases. PHP code and MySQL databases are pretty damn easy and there are tons of examples online that will help you do what you require.

That tutorial site that you mentioned has been around for ages...at least since the mid nineties and I learned many things from it over the years (mostly javascript).

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using Wordpad or Notebook or any basic text editor is actually the best way to get the hang of designing sites... Dreamweaver can do a lot for you but its important to know what its doing for you or you can end up totally lost when something goes amiss

recommend you take a stab at css design... good to know your html basics but cascading style sheets are preferable... little tricky to figure out but a lot better once ya get the hang of it

meta tags for the HEAD section of your pages are fairly important for search engine recognition, quick and easy to learn... nother strong point about using css is the code makes your pages easier to be read by the search engines

WC3 is a great reference... some other good ones:


A List Apart

looks like you're off to a pretty good start... have fun!

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