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This showed up in my email box - not sure who wrote it, names have been changed, had to share this fine scrawl:

Hey ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I’m so slow to reply to you but I haven’t checked my email in a while and I’m not too good with returning calls. Not sure if I’ll be going to this show because I might be working or doing something else that might involve other things that might be more interesting than this particular event. If I do go I probably won’t have any money and will have to sponge off everybody for EVERYTHING and expect everyone else to pay for anything I want to indulge in. If this becomes a problem I will become belligerent, consequently ruining everyone’s night (or getting the shit kicked out of me) resulting in no one wanting to talk about it the next day over breakfast, which someone else will have to pay for me and my girlfriend. Yeah she’ll be there too. Maybe get her turned on to the “Dead thang†again. Oh yeah, and I’ll need to get picked up at the border JUST BEFORE duty free because I’ll be in St. Catherines the night before and I’ll hitch a ride down to JUST BEFORE duty free because I want to pick up smokes and too many bottles of booze and forget to pee. And come to think of it *****, do you think you can pre arrange a cab so that when I don’t get through customs because I’ve got too many bottles of booze (and a record), you guys won’t have to wait and miss everything except the encores??

I guess I’ll take two tickets, but only if you’ll put them on your Visa and then I’ll forget to pay you for seven months (or so) because I might wait and try to get better tickets at the door because face is too much. But I’ll probably be so high I just drop them out in front of the place just as I’m going in.

I might have some buddies that will come along for the ride and kind of do the same thing I’m doing. This guy is cool ******, you’ll like him. He parties like us **, HARD!!

One time this guy accused him of stealing his sleeping bag (while he was in it) and my buddy just rolled over and puked on the hotel bed where another guy was going to sleep and we left the heat on in the room during the show, and after the show we got back to the room and it stunk like puke so my buddy ended up puking on the other bed and we all slept on the floor but couldn’t sleep because it smelled like puke. He might be flying in from Wisco the night before so I’m gonna go on jambands and post up that maybe someone could pick him up at Pearson (he comes in at 6:30AM) and drive down St. Catherines way and drop him off JUST BEFORE duty free (say around 11AM, but I’ll let you know) so that he can take too long pissing, and in line at McDonalds, and looking at what kind of beer he wants to buy, going to the ATM and getting his money in CDN funds and having to go to convert it because he’s going to States, and probably have to go back in because he forgot something while we all wait in the car trying not to get mad.

Better get me six tickets then **. For me, my girlfriend, my buddy from Wisco, and I’ll call a few other people that I know won’t go and if worse comes to worse we could try and sell them at the gate for half of their worth and only miss most of the first set (maybe in the rain??)

I’m fucking stoked **

I’ve wanted to see this GD cover band for a long time now. Maybe I’ll talk to you through the whole show and tell you about what happened during my trip to Cuba last spring.

Let me know who’s coming a few weeks before the show and I’ll tell you if I can still come but I might have hockey.

Love ya buddy!!


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hahahahah!as well as knowledge of music and travelling. My vote's Lazlo.

It's not Lazlo. The guy rarely if ever leaves Hamilton. The last time he left Hamilton, that I know of, he pissed himself and had to call his parents to pick him up. There's no way Lazlo could come up with something like this.

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