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I think I just irritated dozens of people


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I just won a raffle at my office. I won two tickets to see the Leafs in March.

Apparently, my complete apathy to professional sports seems to be irritating some people around here, under the circumstances.

I'm also amazed that these tickets cost as much as a big-ticket concert. lol

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Did you have to enter (as in submit your name or buy a ticket or something) the raffle? If you did, I could see that being irritating. If you didn't, you could say to the irritated, "Cool! Now I'll have a chance to see for myself what all you people are always going on about. Who knows, I might even become a sports fan!" (You don't actually have to mean that last part, though.)



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I won tickets to a hockey game through my company one time as well. They cost like $220 each, it shocked me. Anyway they weren't transferrable so bouche and I decided to give it a go. We actually had some fun drinking beer and getting obnoxious.

I don't need to go to another hockey game now, but it was fun.

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Well ... news to me ... It turns out my wife likes watching live hockey. She doesn't know or care about the NHL particularly, but likes to occasionally go and watch a game. She hasn't mentioned it in the half-dozen years or so we've been together, because she knew I had no interest at all.

Problem solved. (I won't go with her, of course, but I'm sure someone will.)

Oh, and to answer Brad's earlier question ... it was a raffle for a charity for children; run by my assistant. I bought tickets mainly because I have to count on her to run my life, so I'd be risking my life if I didn't buy those tickets. I also donated things for the raffle, too. I was just trying to give her a donation, really, and it never even occurred to me I might actually win something.

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