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Im going home Donny

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Here is an interesting read I found on...Facebook ...from David Suzukis fan page.


now back to scrabulous...god help me!

...or mabey its time to quit for the 3rd time untill I forget how creepy Facecack can make me feel and then I'll rejoin untill....oh boyz..

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And does Facebook really connect people? Doesn't it rather disconnect us, since instead of doing something enjoyable such as talking and eating and dancing and drinking with my friends, I am merely sending them little ungrammatical notes and amusing photos in cyberspace, while chained to my desk?

He's got it totally wrong... The whole point is to connect with people that you aren't able to connect with in your regular daily life, due to a variety of different reasons, geography being the most obvious.

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Thanks howler, interesting article, although - with respect to you for your submitting it for our critique - almost laughingly alarmist ("a takeover bid for the world!").

What I gleaned from this article is that it's author, Tom Hodgkinson, must be around 158 years old.

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I can understand (but not necessarily agree with) some of his points actually, personally after about 10 minutes on there I lose all interest in the site. Although, I'm still confused when people say they are "addicted" to facebook, I just don't see how there is that much to keep someone interested to that point, with myspace I sorta could understand, since there is a countless number of bands on there for you to discover & listen to.

I have reconnected with some HS friends on facebook who honestly thought/heard I had died from my cancer ordeal years ago, so in that, I feel it was worth joining the site, if only to squash that rumor. But after a couple days of catching up, we're back to where we were before I joined. 028ws9.gif

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I just reread the article noting wherein he finishes by announcing triumphantly that no, he will NOT waste his time with facebook!! No! Not with all the great books he could be reading!

Fine, then, write a 1000 word article on why you'd rather be doing one thing in favour of something else.

Nevermind the fact that you can always sit down, log into facebook, see your friends funny weekend photos, some new photos of your old friend's little baby out in BC, wish someone a happy birthday, maybe have a laugh or two and then log off ten minutes later and then go read that book.

Like a lot of out of touch dinosaurs, Mr. Hodgkinson makes the erroneous assumption that one thing replaces every other thing.

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I put up an interesting, thought provoking paper written by a very intelligant man that I thought some might enjoy reading. I wasn't expecting anyone to begin calling him names or say his thoughts are invalid due to his age. I wasn't actually looking for a critique at all but that's my bad given the nature of this place.

I like alot of things about facebook too. Scrabulous being my current favourate. Well and photo sharing though I am afraid of child pervs hence my pics appear and dissapear often.

I enjoy seeing people question what gos on around us. I think it is important.

Anyays just thought it was an interesting read with some valid points and worthwhile information is all. I'm glad he put his time and effort into writing it before reading whichever book he had in his sights. I don't get why it would bunch up your panties so tight or what your problem is with older folks(keeping in mind we don't even know this dudes age)...was your Granddaddy mean to you?

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that article is nonsense.

first of all... the only people "addicted" to facebook are 15 year old girls. and from the begining of time.... 15 year old girls have always been retards.

facebook doesn't replace friends. the people i am close with and see on an almost daily basis are still there doing the exact same thing. but now, i can see their photos easier, and we can plan larger events together easier aswell.

the people i would have lost all contact with... i'm still connected with. even though i barely ever have any kind of exchange with on facebook... the connection is still there... and i will know when they get married or have kids... or get a new job... its like a library card... just because you won't ever read ALL the books in the library ... doesn't mean access isn't incredibly empowering.

more or less... facebook is a useless website. but just like most of my "friends" on facebook... its nice to know its there.

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I was shown this video at a recent Teacher PD thingee on cyber-safety...

I don't facebook, nor do I believe I ever will....

We were also shown the details in the Facebook user agreement that says Facebook will OWN IN PERPETUITY anything that users post, EVEN IF you later delete photos or text, Facebook has captured a copy and OWNS everything.

I just find the ease with which people share photos and intimate details creepy...I have to agree with Howler about worrying about pervs....And maybe I am a bit over-cautious (paranoid?) but I feel that in this Brave New World we are entering, I feel better being as 'invisible' (untrackable) as possible.

on a slighly lighter (though still creepy) note there's a funny vidoe 22 Minutes did about Facebook...I will try to find it.

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