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So.. ...how was your weekend?

Jay Funk Dawg

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Hey I just had a pretty fun weekend - got to do the stuff I like doing the most - playing a gig ( High Plains Drifter & House of David Gang on Saturday) and seeing great music (Chameleon Project, Grand Theft Bus, North Amorica also on Saturday) - getting my party on with some friends all night Saturday at an reggea jam after-party.

I'm just throwing it out there - how was other Skanks' weekend?

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Had a pretty good weekend acctually, layed back day at work saturday, followed by diving balls deep in to a big bottle of rum, Seeing some wicked musicians play great music! GTB rocked it like always and House of David, HPD and the whole gang took me rock rockin it to to a Funky Groove! also seeing some great friends who I havent seen in a while,

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sweet to hear your stories - I'm pretty beat myself - my weekend went late on Saturday - after the House of David Gang - Tribute to the Wailers gig - we were so jazzed by the energy - that we stayed up to play more music until almost 6 am!

On Friday I probably made it to midnight - I was out in Buffalo on Thursday to DJ at the Chameleon Project gig at Nietzsches.

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