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McCartney "Paul is Dead" myth


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One of the craziest conspiracies to ever hit the history of music, the "Paul is Dead" story, seems to be a bit of an obsession for some people.

If you thought you heard it all, concerning that whole thing, think again and check this site out!

There are a bunch of animated gifs that the site uses as undeniable proof that the McCartney living today is not the same McCartney that starred in a Hard Days Night.

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I don't know if I buy this site. When you make different faces, the shape of your face changes. Plus, as you age, you change....

That being said, I feel that Paul is Dead is more of a metaphor. I think Paul McCartney was either kidnapped by aliens, or a goverment and brain washed, or had some traumatizing experience that changed him from the fun-loving, goofy, cute beatle, to the money-hungry, fame-seeking, promotion-driven and generally scary person we now have amongst us. Or Paul was killed and replaced by the studio with a surgically prepared double who would push the beatles into a more of a cash-cow type of role. John new this but was under threat of death if he revealed the truth...eventually, he couldn't keep up the lie but tipped off by an unknown watcher agent and murdered by a "crazed fan".

MTC, keep it real...

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..also...have you seen the latest about John Lennon? There's a new book out (sorry-no info, I think I read an excerpt in UNcut mag) that claims he was a staunch jew-hating neo-Nazi, formed from his years & contacts in Hamburg!! Kinda strange considering their relationship with Brian Epstein!

Also the bit about Chapman as the stimuli-trained assassin (CIA, ZOD you name it) is too much!


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Hey Ms.Hux...hope your feeling much better now! I was asking HUX-Guru man (Geoff) about your well-being at the Pagan Picnic.....no more Humpty-Dumpty impressions, ok?

I saw a clip once where JL said he's had so much anger in him that's why he was railing on so much about peace!

He's one of those truly amazing people who have shaped our collective consciousness....

It was really sad when he died... a lot of people were saying he "deserved to be shot". Can you believe it? What really pissed off the older gen was the "Two Virgins" lp cover and the dope!

He really touched a nerve, one way or another..

Paul greatness is sometimes overshadowed by JL's legacy...he's done some pretty dark stuff and wrote the book on pop vocals....period...

Impossible to substitute!

Take Care

N (B&Z)

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I'm reading Skywriting for Beginners by John Lennon right now. He sounds to me as though he was a pretty angry guy. I am really shocked by some of the things he has written.

But to fund communism groups and neo-nazi stuff? There are so many theories as to why he was assasinated but I personally don't buy that.

Paul is Paul. He knows too many stories in too much detail to be anyone but the real deal.

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  • 2 months later...

Back to the Paul is Dead myth...

THere was a band that put out an album in the 70's called KLAATU. Apparantly, rumours surfaced that it was a STEALTH Lennon/Mccartney album.

If any of the sound clips work, some of them are kind of freaky lennon and mccartney sounding. The arrangements are actually quite good too. I'm trying to find this stuff on Kazaa.

Klaatu's homepage

rumour info more rumour info

The McCartney theory - again

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great beatles website: www.iamthebeatles.com

don't let it's non-flashy, no-india-ink-shooting, porn-free (although there might be kittens on ther somewhere) layout fool you. it has TONS of interesting info. (the history behind the songs is especially great -- just click on any of the albums on the bottom left bar, it takes you into the track listing, lyrics and information about the recording & each song all at once.)

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Originally posted by Ms.Huxtable:

I'm reading Skywriting for Beginners by John Lennon right now. He sounds to me as though he was a pretty angry guy. I am really shocked by some of the things he has written.

Not to be a nitpicky jerk, but isn't the name of the book Skywriting By Word Of Mouth?


nitpicky jerk

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Originally posted by bouche:

Back to the Paul is Dead myth...

THere was a band that put out an album in the 70's called KLAATU. Apparantly, rumours surfaced that it was a STEALTH Lennon/Mccartney album.

Canadian three-man band (from Toronto I think, but I'm not sure on that point). They were covered by The Carpenters: "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft."

I wish I could remember the name of the Klaatu album with that song on it. It was a concept album, kinda nifty. I remember playing a few cuts from it back in my CFRC days.

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