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Tiger... Possible Spoilers for Mondays Extra Round


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I think you mean as if he ISN"T rooting for Tiger to miss, and of course he is going to tell the reporters that he would never do that because that is what they are all supposed to say. It's a gentleman's game after all. The correct response to those questions is " I wish him well, all I can do is go out there and play 1 on 1 with the course, and do my best." It's standard stuff really.

What I think is so likeable about Rocco is that he never denied that he was in awe of Tiger. He's the working mans golfer, just happy to be there. The guy had to qualify a week ago for the tournament, then gets into a playoff with the best golfer in history...ya what an asshole.

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[color:purple]yeah, but he was actually just being a whiner when he grimaced in pain.

So many fat ass tiger haters at work saying 'awww poor baby, whenever he hits a bad tee shot he makes a face and blames it on his knee' WELL NO SHIT DICKHEAD! These are the same fat bastards that use a cart for 18. Glad they all lost money :)

(Booche-like rant over)

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