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David Lee Roth Saved by OPP


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From canoe

Two Ontario police officers have been credited with saving the life of Van Halen singer David Lee Roth - after he suffered a severe allergic reaction.

The rocker was pulled over on a stretch of highway in Oakland, Ontario on June 8 for speeding, and when cops approached the vehicle, they realized the star was in anaphylactic shock.

Roth has an allergy to nuts and was suffering a severe reaction after coming into contact with a contaminated substance.

The officers called an ambulance and kept Roth calm until paramedics arrived on the scene, according to CTV.ca.

Constable Chris Thompson admits he didn't realize that he was dealing with a famous rock star when he attended to the crisis.

He says, "At the time I wasn't star struck, I was just trying to help him. The guy stuck out like a sore thumb. He was wearing a little silk scarf and flashy clothing - it's not something you see in Oakland too often."

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saw this on the news this morning, good old CHCH channel 11 news.

the best part is that the guy picked up 2, count em, two! nurses, took them to a bar, where he sang with the band, and EVERYONE thought it was for real!

this is the kinda news i like hahhahhah

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