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Eagles @ ACC

Irie Guy

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yes, the band had its problems and the infighting came to dominate their image into the 80s. but in their prime, they dominated the scene.

I'm pretty sure that they started fighting right after their first album and by 75 it was a mess. Didn't one of them leave the group then?

They did dominate the scene and I'm glad that I was born at the end of the 70's and missed that.

But that's just me.

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While I may not agree with the sentiment, I can't believe not one person in this whole thread has quoted this:

I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man.

I think it's laughable that this band, whom Don Henley described a few years ago as more like CEOs than rock stars, still considers itself relevant. Added to that is the fact that they purport to espouse lefty politics, yet made their most recent album available exclusively at Wal-Mart and I have a very hard time respecting them.

It's tough to deny their influence and legacy, but with the current spectacle they tour with they have become little more than the world's greatest Eagles' cover band.

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I know I am getting off-track but I am craving a stiff bitch-of-a-drink and NewRider is pissing me off because of it.

The point isnt whether you like them or not when discussing a bands influence over others, or whether you like the bands they influenced. Its bland chick rock for these ears for the most part but The Eagles will remain a legacy for years to come and probably influence other bands along the way.

Fuck I'm thirsty. I am going to put on Poco's Crazy Eyes when I get home. Ya buncha dicks.

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well I THINK The Eagles' music SUCKS. I don't give a toss about their "influence" on music - although apart from fey New Country and pussy-ass country-rock I don't really hear it. Hell, Elton John had more of an influence on the likes of Ryan Adams than the fucking Eagles. The music of The Eagles is generally smug, self-important bullshit that commits the eternal crime of thinking that just because it sold bazillions of product, the music is therefore interesting or good. And it's not.

I've actually suffered through their latest two-disc opus. It's ridiculously awful.

I have absolutely no respect for The Eagles. Fuck 'em.

But hey, enjoy the show woo-hoo!

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I don't give a flying, feathery faced fuck how many bazillion times it has been played on the radio, Don Felder's guitar solo at the end of Hotel California is still one of the slickest, most tasteful guitar solos ever put to tape and it gives me a boner every time I hear it. Sometimes you have to put all the other preconceived bullshit aside and listen to something with fresh ears...it might surprise you.

(and I am not talking about the the guitar harmonies with Smokin' Joe or the fact that the second half of the solo is Joe...I am talking about the first half).

P.S. I play Take it Easy in the cover band I play in and it makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

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Well here's my take on last night at the ACC. Clinical.

Everyone I was with thought it was fantastic that the band can sound exactly like they do on record. Amazing but not my thing. There just didn't feel to be any real emotion there. Maybe for 30 secs in the 3 hour show did I possibly get a tingle.

The new material is terrible and they sure were pushing it enough. All the hits to keep the crowd happy, i bet 90% of the people there thought it was one of the best concerts they have ever seen. Would I have paid the $200 ticket price for these box seats. Absolutely not. I can however now say that I have seen the Eagles in concert. And the eye candy in the next box certainly helped keep our box of 12 dudes distracted.

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