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Ned Wreck & The Crops Sauble Beach Wednesday night ...

mark tonin

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Ned Wreck, aka Geomouse, is hosting a music night this Wednesday August 20th in Sauble Beach at Greenhorns. I'll be doing some playing with Ned Wreck, and with Chris Mulligan. From what I know, Tooly and some friends will also be playing. So if you are in the area on Wednesday night, come on out for some live music and some fun times! The music starts at around 9 pm.

Peace, Mark

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Well, it was a great night for jamming! A good crowd of people too which is sometimes hit or miss at the Beach.

I want to thank Chris Mulligan, Tonin, Tooly and Jay Sanislo for coming out.

We started off with a bit of acoustic, moved into Jay and Tooly's bluegrass blends (Jay you were awesome on banjo! Nice work both of you!) And Tooly's choice of tunes were a big hit with the crowd.

Then Tonin and Chris warmed things up a bit more with the electrics..while fending off a stream eager but totally mashed drummers and patrons. Finally Jay got behind the kit and locked it all together for everyone...awesome really! Even the owner was dancing which happens but not too often.

Chris was able to get a few requests squeaked out while others were out for a smoke. Then Jay was back on the kit in full fury.

Tooly "played us out" with some Band tunes and we all sang along while we rolled up the cords and stowed the gear.

Thanks again guys. You really made the night for me and everyone else in the room.

Lets do it again next time you're in the Bruce County area!


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Thanks for setting up this gig geomouse ... Chris and I both had a blast going with the flow and jamming with you and Jay. And I enjoyed both your acoustic set and the acoustic bluegrassy set by Tooly and Jay. And yes, it was a treat packing up while Tooly played a few songs by The Band for us at the end of the night. I'd love to do it again at some point.

Peace, Mark

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Geomouse, thanks for havin us out man. It was a real treat to be able to do that on vacation!!! Thanks for the knd words guys, that was my first time playing banjo in front of a crowd so I was a little jittery but had fun none the less, glad we got the crowd movin a bit. Tooly I had a blast jammin with ya that night awesome times man! Geo, enjoyed your little set there to get us warmed up, really nice! Yeah when I seen the mess of drummers (apart from the older guy, he could keep a beat at least) I was really dying to get up there. So wehen ya told me to get up there george I was pumped. Well, I knew I was gonna have fun but this was way over what I was expectin as we drove into sauble that night! Geomouse,Chris Mulligan, and Mark TONIN!!!!! Damn we had some great moments up there, some rocky parts but the good moments made more than up for it!!! I wish i could remeber all the highlights for me but I definetly remember that sweet Tonight's the night. Good F'N TIMES!!! And TOOLY taking us out with some solo acoustic band tunes was the icing on the cake!!! OPHEILA!!!!! Great!

Thanks again guys for having us out, me and Tooly had a grin on our face the whole way back to the cottage and the next morning!

To good times and old and new friends. God I love music! Cheers!

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^^^^what he said!

many thanks to Geo to setting this all up. and to Mark and Chris, you guys rocked it out, it was killers. and it got even better when jay got in on the drums.

That night should have been billed as the drunkest drummer contest LOL the guy who got in at the end of me and jays set would have probably won.

some of the highlights i can remember were the neil tunes geomouse started off with, that pocahontas, and the Rider with the whole band, that catfish jack song that mark and chris and jay did, TOOOONIIIIGHTS the NIIIIIGHT, gotta love the drunken doors singalong ahhahaha and the mustache cops getting plowed at the bar all night

blurry, we were just up at chesley lake for a weeks vacation, it was tons of fun, i love that area up there. our neighbour there on the lake had his "toy boat" up too, with a 455 V8 in the back. ive gotta post the pics.

thanks so much george for hooking this up, and to mark, chris mulligan, jay, everyone involved in the tunes that night.

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almost forgot one of the best highlights, the look on jay's face when you guys broke into Moby Dick. hahahahaha

with respect to jay though, he friggin rocked that drum solo, got osme folks dancing while the other guys walked off for a break.

gooood times.

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