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QOTD- Volunteering


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How many people here do? How much and why?

I volunteer alot within certain areas; culture and social activisim for instance.I haven't always done as much , but have always done something...and was really raised to do so.Oddly the busier my life is the MORE time I seem to volunteer.I also tend to primarily volunteer to create or drive projects/events...less often do I volunteer to do "gruntwork".

Seems those around me either;

1. Have the time but don't.

2. Do regardless of personal time, and without alterior motive.

3. Do, but only when there is a tangible reward.

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I volunteer sporadically, when the cause strikes me and when I can honestly put my all into it. I seem to have alot of good intentions, but fall short in the follow through department.

I recently auditioned to be a volunteer correspondent on a local tv station. That one is purely for my own selfish needs so I can say that I am on tv, and also because it will make me super popular.

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I volunteer sporadically, when the cause strikes me and when I can honestly put my all into it. I seem to have alot of good intentions, but fall short in the follow through department.

I recently auditioned to be a volunteer correspondent on a local tv station. That one is purely for my own selfish needs so I can say that I am on tv, and also because it will make me super popular.

This pretty much sums up my position except I'm on the radio not TV.

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