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These farms look like labs...


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It's actually a production facility, not a farm. They make no assertion that the beef is grown there.

What struck me was the sheer volume of burgers produced. I guess that scale is required to make any profit from a cheap product.

Still wouldn't catch me eating there though.

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eonce a month, and only once a month,

i treat myself to a delicious big mac combo.

it takes me back...its almost like comforting escapism. For that 10 or so minute, I forget about everything and just apprieciate how delicious a big mac really is. and because I only eat it once a month, I eat it guilt free, and apprieciate it for everything it is.

those 10 minutes are def worth everything that you idealistic hippies complain about.

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I haven't had that Shit for ages! It all makes me feel like I'm going to puke or shit out my lower intestines...it's similar to the feeling I get from listening to ABBA on a pair of really shitty headphones and cranked so loud it's distorted to hell.

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