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What Charities do U Donate to?


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Nice work ahess - I am also a big supporter of Crohns and Colitis of Canada. I also support the main other charities around - Heart and Stroke, United Way, Kidney Foundation, and we always sponsor a Christmas family.

One of my favourite charity causes is helping give some money to the Animal Rescue League or SPCA.

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Last March and June I organized two shows at C'est What, The Acoustic/spoken word Show in March raised $750 For Gilda's Club(in support of Ovarian Cancer Research), and the june show which was Electric Meat and Friends raised $350 for the Daily Bread Foodbank.

Feels great to do something you love for a good cause.

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Originally posted by colinw:

Nice work ahess - I am also a big supporter of Crohns and Colitis of Canada.

Interesting I didn't think people really knew about these diseases. My fathers quality of life has been considerably decreased due to Crohns. He's had countless surgeries over the last 15+ years. And still has the damn disease [Frown]

Thanks for your support...

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I've watched one of my friends go to hell and back several times due to Crohn's. I'm often amazed he's still with us, he's got it bad. [Mad] I wouldn't wish that suffering on my worst enemy. It is amazing how wide-spread bowel-related syndromes and diseases are.

This thread reminds me I'm a poor donator. Of course, I'm usually far from flush with cash to give but I'll pop a two-nie into the Crohn's collection boxes at the Liquor Store, or the ones regarding Mental Health (another friend of mine has suffered severe mental problems in the last few years) but rarely do I give to major organizations, unless you count the Bruce Trail Association as a major charitable organization (it isn't though).

I've done work on the Good Shephard Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner a few times as well (local food bank), that's always a really rewarding experience.

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I donate everything I make to the Save The Starving Musicians fund.

I do save a wee bit for CKCU though. Their funding drive is coming right up, support independant radio.

Before I get accused of callousness, I have donated to World Vision, WWF, and Moncton's Headstart xmas drive.

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A bit of my paycheck for the last 2 years has gone to United Way. I am also a sucker to all my work collegues who go around the office selling one thing or another for the United Way. It's actually that time of year right now.

I did a 10km run not to long ago for the Kids Help Phone (and I didn't just do it to see if I could raise enough funds for an Xbox.)

Right now I'm raising funds for Bouche's new camera campaign.

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I'll give to the odd man in the street who I see rumaging thru a garbage can and we've given tons of clothes, bikes etc. to the Diabetes and Ms bunch who phone you every two weeks for more....

Eases the guilt somewhat of selfishly feeding my "Accumulitus" syndrome .....(see Acquisition Addiction post)

Heart & Stroke, Red Cross...here, there etc....

It's hard not to feel guilty! N

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I'm going to plug my wonderful employer: VSO. We're an international development agency that works through volunteers, which means we send people overseas on two year placements working in health/education, capacity building, HIV/Aids awareness, secure livelihoods, etc.

It costs approximately 30 000 CDN to fund a volunteer workign overseas so any donation is appreciated. While we raise funds in general for VSO, it is also possible to sponsor a specific volunteer.

(www.vsocan.org if you want to know more)

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