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Free agency FRENZY~!

Guest Low Roller

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5 years, 4.5 per.

Sweet........We get to listen to Leaf fans bitch about his zone clearances for the next half-decade. Should be plenty of highlights on the Toronto Sports Network.

No Markov to cover up his mistakes. This is going to be great fun in Rich Stadium.

Gainey's best move of the day. ;)

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Correction.. they had a strong enough offence and a goalie that stood on his head in the playoffs enough for them to win the cup with him. Did you see the number of stupid penalties or number of Wings that blew past him.

I will go back a few years where I made a stupid comment on here how I was excited for him becoming a Leaf... now you can deal with him.

As for Komi, Lets see what a fresh start will bring... he's defintely gonna be on a team with grit.

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Dont get me wrong, I am not excited. I am simply trying to say Leaf Nation is going to crucify Komi unless he somehow has a massive resurgence but after what I witnessed last year I cant see it.

Gill only got a 2 year deal. I can deal wit hit quite easily.

he's defintely gonna be on a team with grit.

And no skill but I look forward to the impending Laraque-Komi fight.

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I'm still blown away by all of Gainey's moves. That really says alot about the dressing room last year. We better hope he signed the right core because that's 5 years Hab fans are now dialed in with. This team was completely reinvented in 24 hours.

I'm pretty nervous but also hopelessly optimistic. One has to wonder where the Price money is going to come from after this season if he is indeed their man. I'm none too thrilled about these contracts.

Is it October yet?

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Burke did a hell of a lot of talking but when push came to shove he was able to get little done. I still think he did what he needed to do in Toronto. He got rid of some bad contracts and is trying to start over.

However signing Komi and Orr is a long way from making the Leafs a contender and it seems the Leafs are having a big problem attracting free agents. That is not all Burke's fault but it is something he will need to over come.

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And to further what Badams is saying, the media creaming over his moves yesterday is completely out of touch with reality.

But you Leaf fans can lap up the bullshit all you want. Lord knows it's how the team is marketed.

At the draft? Burke did nothing but blow a ton of hot-air in the weeks leading up to it.

Yesterday? All he did was overpay for a defenceman who needs a quality linemate for him to look decent. This is a player who cannot clear the zone, cant shoot from the point, gives zero offensive production and puts himself out of position when constantly worrying about taking the body.

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I wonder what Pierre McGuire would have signed him for had he got the job in Minny.

Mike Komisarek has signed with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Good. Toronto can have him.

So many teams were interested in signing him. How come? He was one of the Canadiens’ worst defencemen last season. He has no idea what to do with the puck. He doesn’t score goals. He got pummelled by Milan Lucic. He made no impact whatsoever with Montreal. All he is is big and strong. It doesn’t make him dangerous, or a power-play guy, or a puck-handler. He doesn’t seem to be even a good fighter, and he was a liability in front of poor Carey Price and Jaroslav Halak, both of whom attempted almost nightly to bail him out after he gave the puck away.

Now he’s a Leaf. Ain’t it sweet? At least Hal Gill knows how to make the safe pass out of his zone, something Komisarek never figured out.

Everybody’s raving about Komisarek and how he’ll be big part of the re-building of the Leafs. I think it’s a joke. He’s tremendously overrated. He’s called an all-star, but we know how he became an all-star - when fans did their thing with the voting procedure.

Montreal had terrible problems on defence last year. Well, I’m here to say much of the reason was Komisarek, with his bad passes and brain-dead penalty-taking.

Toronto can have him. It’ll be funny when he passes up the middle, right on the stick of Scott Gomez or Mike Cammalleri or any other Hab, and we win the game because of it.

Through it all, through his bungling and costing the team in so many ways, he still felt he deserved a big raise. And somehow he’s managed to convince all the experts that he’s some kind of big-time star. That’s his biggest accomplishment so far. Fooling the experts.

Hey Leaf fans, don’t get too excited by this signing.

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