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Free agency FRENZY~!

Guest Low Roller

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Kyle Quincy played incredible hockey for LA last year (not that I expect you to notice anything outside of Mtl or Hamilton). A Dman with 38 points playing for the league minimum? Maybe the best cap deal of the year. Detroit tried to sneak him through waivers and LA grabbed him, so basically they turned a freebie and a guy outside of their top 6 into Ryan Smyth. Nice move.

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She throws a mean curve. My balls just got knuckled.

Knuckle Children on the loose!!!!

In other news, can you imagine?

Whoa ... that could be interesting. That's a lot of players to lose if they all become UFAs!!! Hey, if a deal didn't go down because it missed a deadline due to a fax machine not working at head office, why shouldn't something like this? ;)

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Guest Low Roller

So all D and no offence.

I told you guys that Grabovski was a top line center and you all laughed at me.

[color:purple]It looks like I will prove you all wrong.

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My dad just called me from the road to tell me about this. He never calls me for anything. I can't believe how excited he is.

I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop before I react pro or con on this one. Intrigued to say the least.

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