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hey!!! we're heading to the art park show tonight... couple of questions - never been to the art park before, and this is my first wilco show.

art park seems like a pretty cool place to hang out, i would assume we're able to wander the grounds?

any type of a lot scene at a wilco show?

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Last night was my first live Wilco experience.

I went in pretty optimistic as most of my friends that like their music have seen them live in the past and had only great things to say about their live show.

Crossing the border into Lewiston was a breeze. Such a contradiction to the 3 hours I was held up on Thursday evening when I went down to Buffalo for Dark Star Orchestra.

The town and venue were really nice. Lewiston is very quaint with lots of beautiful historical buildings. Artpark itself is awesome. Lots of people hanging out before the show, drinking beer, playing frisbee, etc. We were enjoying the vibe in the lot so much that we didn't realize Conor had started by the time 7pm rolled around. No worries, as far as we could tell he had just begun his set when we made our way towards the pavillion.

I really dig Conor's music and songs and was there as much to see him and the Mystic Valley Band as I was to see Wilco!

Everything they played was off the two albums they have released since the band formed. Lots of good tunes from both. Not sure if they played Gone Gone NYC before we got in, but that was one I was expecting and didn't end up hearing.

He is such a funny guy. He had the lighting director turn all the lights off for his last tune which he played solo. It was White Shoes off of Outer South and he claimed it was a love song and he was embarrassed.

Some of my highlights from Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Bands set:

Get Well Cards

Cape Canaveral

Big Black Nothing

Wilco...opened with Wilco (the song) and rocked the place there after. I got to hear a few of my faves during their set.

I am trying to break your heart

Impossible Germany

California Stars (fuggin' sweet!)

and so much more goodness

Anyway, I should be sleeping right about now but unfortunately I am stuck at work instead :(

I had a blast last night though and wanted to add to this thread.

Thanks so much for everything YATS..you're a solid brother :thumbup:

good times

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Great great show last night! The lineup at the boarder coming back wasn't much fun though. Highlights for me were ELT, radio cure, black bull nova and I'm the man who loves you. Enjoyed Conner Oberst's set also although I thought the first 4 or so songs were a lot better then the rest.

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really enjoyed the show last night too. great show, great venue, great crowd. loved it when tweedy humourously whacked the guy in the head who tried to take a picture of himself and tweedy while the girl was strumming his guitar.

the whole thing sure made up for the embarrassing inefficiency at the border coming home ... and i actually knew better than to go thru at lewiston, own fault here.

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Oh man, what a show. Sweet little town, awesome venue, great weather, good company, shitty traffic. No complaints.

Conor was great. I really dig his work both inside and out of Bright Eyes. Good to hear hear him bust out some tunes, both familiar and not. Cape Canaveral was beautiful. Great chemistry within the band too. Perfect start to an awesome double bill.

But boy did Wilco steal the night. So much flow to their show. The new album is growing on me and hearing the 4-5 songs they played off there definitely helped. I'd have to say my highlight was hearing Misunderstood > Spiders(Kidsmoke). Downright nasty. Nels' solo in Impossible Germany almost made me wet myself. I was also stoked to hear At Least That's What You Said, Heavy Metal Drummer and I really Dug California Stars with the Mystic Valley Band out on stage. Such a good setlist, such a great show.


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loved it when tweedy humourously whacked the guy in the head who tried to take a picture of himself and tweedy while the girl was strumming his guitar.

Hilarious! i liked that too.. had a great time at the show. i was hoping to spend some of the daytime in lewiston, but ended up at my parents in Waterloo until 6, then sped down to artpark just in time for Wilco. wish i would have seen some of you there!! i did get the chance to make a sobbing girl smile by giving her my extra ticket - hooray for happiness!

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43 nothings in Misunderstood?!?!

Seriously- I would have been Walken all by myself for the exit......

I'm personally happy I sat through all the nothings. I actually pumped my arm to about 19 of them, nodded my head to around 31 and sat patiently through the rest. You would have beat the traffic though; just not at the border... ;)

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Wow! What a fun show last night. After enjoying ht afternoon with some friends and some bbq ribs, we headed down to the show. So easy to get to. Sailed right in and parked within a 3min walk from the gate :)

Solid show from start to finish. We were really lucky and had seats in the pit. Only 3 rows and once the show started we could shuffle them around a bit and had tons of room in front of us. We were treated to experiencing Nils Cline shredding 15ft in front of us for the whole evening. That dude is a wizard. Amazing shit. Tweedy was seeming to have a fun time goofing around and the band looked like they were having a lot of fun up on stage. Look forward to their return to Toronto.

Like others here, I figured that the border crossing couldn't be all that bad going home. Fuck it sucked. We were on the road out of the venue at 11:15 and finally got back into Canada (3miles away) at 1:00am!!!! The border guy was surprised at the volume too.

"Wilco loves you baby" <--- on a kid's shirt at the merch table :)

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