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Ottawa Acupunturist?


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Has anyone here experienced benefits from acupunture?

A collegue at work has had a pretty bad back injury and he's suggested that he is interested in acupuncture after talking with someone who avoided major surgery by visiting an acupuncturist.

Looking for a place in Ottawa that someone could recommend.

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I went for two visits and was completely satisified. Personal reasons......

A good friend went for chronic neck pain. Five visits and it was cured, then he goes back once every two weeks or so.

I got this info from him recently:

The treatment of human swine flu by acupuncture

Dr Zhaoqi Guo

Sino Acupuncture Clinic

152 Bayview Dr. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Purpose: To find an effective and safe treatment for human swine flu, because Western medicine doesn’t have effective treatment for the human swine flu, only Tamilflu and its asccoiated powerful side effects.

Material and Method: Since the Mexican govt announced the breakout of the human swine flu, I have treated moer than 10 cases of swine flu like symptoms. I recently collected and monitored 6 patients and the report is as follows:

These 6 cases, including 5 female and one male ages ranging from 34 to 74 did not respond to typical H1N1 testing but did exhibit all of the symptoms including fever, headache, sore throat, neck/ shoulder pain, joint pain, cough, and fatigue. Among the six cases one has type 2 diabetes and one has a history of asthma. The main acupuncture points use are dazhui (GV14), teishu (BL13), pishu (BL20), tengchi (GB20), jianjing (GB21), xuji (LU 10), zhoohai (K16), xinlingguan (SP9) for most symptoms and add tiantu (CV22), neiting (ST44) for sore throats, and waiguan (JE5), xiaxj (GB42) for ear aches.

First case after 2 treatments: She felt almost back to normal, and then took a 2 week trip. Upon return she again had the cold and a persistent hacking cough. After another 6 treatments she was much better but still coughing badly. At last I applied an auricular treatment between the lung and the spleen and the coughing stopped immediately. It was during this case that I realized the first treatments helped to build immunity and that was considered in future cases.

For the remaining 5 cases the needles were heated up using noxa and all of the symptoms quickly disappeared. For sore throats, in 3 cases the effect was immediate and all symptoms dissaperad. In 2 cases of extreme ear pain, the healing effects were complete after only 2 visits. Test summary:

Age Sex Occupation Visits till 100%

Patient 1 74 F Public Service ret’d 9

Patient 2 34 F Public Service 3

Patient 3 59 F Home Maker 3

Patient 4 51 M Federal Govt 3

Patient 5 45 F Federal Govt 3

Patient 6 56 F Landscaper 5

Discussion: More than 300 years ago, Progessor Wang from Wuhan Medical University published an article regarding his observations that every time a pandemic was seen in human populations, that it existed in the swine population first. He successfully separated a swime flu virus from a human sufferer. He postulated that the flu virus travels from pig to human and back in a never ending cycle. Each cycle is approx. 10 years long resulting in a pandemic potential every decade. As the virus cycles, it mutates and changes host after the mutations. The antigen gets changed by this mutation and humans end up having no immunity to the mutated virus. Boosting the immune system is a way to not only cure symptoms but to avoid their incidence completely.

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Ever since I was a teen my mom had a horrible allergy to milk protein. She was so sensitive to milk protein that even a single slice of store bought bread could affect her.

Her symptoms were flu like as opposed to skin swelling or other more typical allergic type reactions.

She visited Derek Roche at Sunrise Health Centre on Riverside Dr a few years ago and has been able to consume milk products without issue ever since. She does have to go back in every year or two to get "topped up" as she says. It took one or two treatments initially. It was really freaky.

Both my wife and I have seen Derek since then, due exclusively to mom's success, and though we haven't had as pronounced a change, we have both felt it was beneficial in terms of treating allergies/chemical sensitivities.

I have no idea if Derek would be as effective for stuff like chronic pain/injuries, but I don't see why he would only be good at working with allergies/sensitivities and not other stuff.

Sunrise Health Centre

2211 Riverside Dr, Suite 104

613 736-5200


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absolutely! acupuncture works wonders.

i have had it done for many sports-related issues that would have otherwise been an arduous ordeal involving antibiotics.

also, not to mention the other many uses for it... my sister is a naturopath (shill: www.shelleygibbsnd.ca) and she uses it her practice largely for fertility... she has worked with many severe cases and treated them with it (and other things) and has a 100% success rate. it blows my mind.

just be sure to check out whoever you visit. go to someone based on recommendation.


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