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The Strangeboys + Cosmic Granola - The Drake - Thurs. Jan 7

Big J

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Don't miss this Toronto Jam event! The Strangeboys and Cosmic Granola hit The Drake Hotel this thursday, January 7th.

The Strangeboys - bluegrass / Jamgrass insanity. Tightly composed original songs and improv jamming, all put together on that most beautiful combination of acoustic instruments - Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Fiddle and Bass. Check out sets from last summer's Sunseeker's Ball and Evolve

Cosmic Granola - Crunchy, funky rock from Thunder Bay. Really fun to dance to. Their originals are thoughtful, fun and tight, their jams will keep you grooving uncontrollably all night.



You're gonna LOVE it!

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maybe so, deranger, the jury's out on that one...

but i think you'll like their songs, and their jams are super fun and dancy.

The show is tonight (thursday), come support canadian jam music!

ps, the strangeboys are heady... i guarantee satisfaction.

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Cosmic Granola have improved a lot and had a great groove going last night, I think they're missing either another guitar or a keys player to round them out though.

The Strange Boys are goooooood. There was some major major sound issues with mic's and overall sound volume but the playing was excellent.

They harmonize very well (wish I could have heard it better) and the banjo player can shred that thing. The double bass player is very well educated at his craft both with his fingers and the bow and the fiddle player seemed like he wanted to rock out but the sound issues weren't letting him. The mando and acoustic guitar player rounded their sound out nicely.

I will definately check them out again and hopefully the crusty sound guy gets his shit together although he seemed to be blaming the band for the issues which I kind of find hard to believe.

Check'em out if you can.

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