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Halifax Pop Explosion 2010 initial lineup *FULL LINEUP announced*


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The Hold Steady; Sonic Concerts presents: 2010 Polaris Long List nominees, The New Pornographers (ft. Neko Case); Sub Pop recording artists, Handsome Furs; Basia Bulat with Symphony Nova Scotia; legendary Canadian rockers, Sloan; Juno award winning folk artist, Old Man Luedecke; world renowned power trio, High on Fire; Miami based sludge metal act, Torche; a special reunion show by influential indie rock act, North of America; acclaimed troubadour and Broken Social Scene member, Jason Collett; influential post-punk act, Rockets Red Glare; Savannah based psych rock act, Kylesa; and melodic folk act, Great Lake Swimmers.

Other acts confirmed for the festival include: Bad Vibrations, Great Bloomers, The Famines, Jon McKiel, Mt. Royal, Silly Kissers, and Wordburglar.

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  • 1 month later...

WOW the full lineup is huge:


A Sight For Sewn Eyes

Acres & Acres


Amos The Transparent

Andrew Watt And The Glory Glory

Baby Eagle

Bad Vibrations

Basia Bulat

Bike Rodeo

Bird World

Black Moor



Boxer The Horse

Broken Ohms

Burning Love

Burnt Church


The Casualties


Cold Warps

Jason Collett

Construction & Destruction


Cop Shades

Erin Costelo



Cuff The Duke

Cursed Arrows



Dance Movie

The Darcys

Dilly Dally

DJ James Reid

Dog Day

Doin' Damage


Elephant Stone

English Words

The Extremities

The Famines

Famous Players

The First Aid Kit


Forest City Lovers

Freelove Fenner

The Friendly Dimension

Fuck Montreal

The Gertrudes



Glory Glory Man United

The Golden Dogs

Gramercy Riffs

The Grass

Great Bloomers

Great Lake Swimmers



Handsome Furs

Rebekah Higgs

High On Fire

The Hoa Hoa's

The Hold Steady

Holy Cobras

Hot Panda


Imaginary Cities

In-Flight Safety


Iron Giant

Isis (from Thunderheist)

It Kills


Language Arts

Last Call Chernobyl

Pat LePoidevin

Long Long Long


Jon McKiel

Meat Curtains

Laura Merrimen

Mess Folk

Milks & Rectangles

Mobile Deathcamp

The Modern Men

Modern Superstitions


The Mountains & The Trees

My Brightest Diamond

Myles Deck And The Fuzz

The New Pornographers

North End Metal All-Stars

North Of America

Old Man Luedecke

Orchid's Curse

The Pack A.D.


The Pink Noise

Play Guitar

Pop Winds

Quaker Presents


Racoon Bandit

Radio Radio

Random Recipe


Rockets Red Glare

Daniel Romano

Ty Segall

Shotgun Jimmie

Silly Kissers

Silver Dapple


So Cow

Soaking Up Jagged

Styrofoam Ones

The Superfantastics



Ten Kens

Three Sheet

Tokyo Police Club


Tupper Ware Remix Party

Twin Peaks


We Are Action

The White Wires

The Wilderness Of Manitoba

Windom Earle

Wolf & Cub


Young Rival

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Alright, so here's my quick report. Amazing weekend.

Flew into to Halifax on Friday afternoon, got shuttled to the hotel with Dan Boeckner and wife, so that was a cool start. Checked out an insanely loud North Of America all-ages set before my old age kicked in. Huron at the Seahorse was highlight of Friday night - Aaron et al slayed the room as it filled up. The Paragon was at capacity by this time, so I gave up on the Hold Steady and bounced around between bars for the rest of the night.

Saturday, We Are Action played our best set since I've been in the band to a packed venue. I spent the next hour watching Cuff The Duke through the window from outside the Paragon, then got inside for Tokyo Police Club and Young Rival. I've never listened to Tokyo Police Club before, they seem to be the new Sloan, crowd was going bananas. Young Rival was even better to my ears, but the bar completely cleared out after Tokyo Police Club. Bad scheduling.

Saturday highlight was the unannounced after-party at the Khyber. Long Long Long played a set of mad genius, then Play Guitar lived up to their name and did side A of Marquee Moon.

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hey, we were in a lot of the same places at the the same time last weekend. I flew in and landed around 4pm, took the shuttle to my hotel. There was a ton of traffic and it took like two hours.

Went for a walk to find the Paragon, heard the hold steady soundchecking (Ascension Blues!) then found some food, and headed back to the Paragon. It was freezing cold but I waited with a bunch of dudes for doors to open, and found my perfect spot right in front. The show ended right at last call, and I just wandered around for a few hours because i was too wired & excited to go to sleep.

Saturday I checked out the zine fair that was part of the festival. i wish it was in a bigger hall, everything was too crowded, but i found some hilarious xmas cards and an awesome necklace with a pirate-dinosaur with pegleg arms saying 'raRRr'.

Went back to the paragon saturday night, got there right before Ghostkeeper, and it was EMPTY. Turned around halfway though their set and it was PACKED. Ghostkeeper were good, I would have bought their album if they hadn't left by the time i made it to the merch table. Cuff the Duke were next, they were great. The crowd was going crazy for Tokyo Police Club, I thought they were ok, but kind of generic rock, nothing that really stood out. Then the place cleared out for Young Rival, who were so so good. I saw them for the first time at Supercrawl in Hamilton about a month ago, and picked up their album about two weeks ago, so i was looking forward to seeing them again, and they didn't disappoint. dave-O, if you saw a girl in a hold steady t dancing up front during young rival, that was me :).

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It wasn't totally empty, but it went from packed with a lineup outside, to maybe 50 people by the end of the night. YR played from 1:15 to 2am so it was kinda late. Halifax has no idea what they missed!

That was the second weekend in a row i was so close to seeing Huron but didn't :(. (the weekend before was because of hollerado who i first heard about because of seeing them open for huron anyway)

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You heard it here first, Hollerado opened for Huron!

Those bums were supposed to go last that night but they asked really nicely to play in the middle and we relented. Love 'em.

Also bummed to hear the room cleared out for YR. They def should have played before TPC.

Dave I think we shook hands before I went on at the Seahorse? All memories from that night are swimming at the bottom of a murky pool of free Jagermeister. At the end of the night our whole band - with all of our instruments - sat in with C'mon for Fortress of the Night, and I have very little recollection of it. I remember setting up and I remember tearing down.

Sari you're totally forgiven...you saw two awesome shows anyway. And we had two awesome shows without you :D.

Anybody else hear about the guy falling down the stairs at Paragon on Friday night and breaking his neck? Bummer.

Here we are in Sackville doing the aforementioned Fortress with C'mon. Somehow I have a feeling that Halifax was not as tight.

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