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Ontario to Raise Tobacco Taxes

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

[From CBC.ca]

Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to raise tobacco taxes in his province and he wants Quebec to follow suit to prevent smuggling across the provincial border.

Ontario and Quebec have the lowest cigarette prices in Canada, but the new tax hikes could bring a carton of 200 cigarettes to $75, up from an average today of $50 a carton. This means a package of 25 cigarettes would rise from about $8 to about $10.

McGuinty said Quebec Premier Jean Charest has "shown an interest" in raising his province's tobacco taxes at the same time.

McGuinty said there are 12,000 deaths a year in Canada from smoking, costing the economy more than $4 billion annually.

The throne speech of the province's new Liberal government on Thursday is expected to announce a provincewide smoking ban in workplaces and indoor public spaces.

Many cities have imposed smoking restrictions in bars, restaurants and public buildings, but this would be the country's first provincewide ban.

Both the tobacco tax hike and the smoking ban were part of the Liberal election platform.

The Liberals also promised to ban countertop and behind-the-counter displays of tobacco product. A similar law in Saskatchewan was struck down in October.

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They did it in the eighties,the nineties and again now.(Probally the 70's also but I didnt smoke then)no big deal. -

Not gonna make a difference.Even with the increase they still wont be as exspensive as they were in the nineties when the gave it that crazy hike.If all goes well I won't be smoking too much longer anyhow and given my medical problems its goin to be for the best anyway.

Go ahead raise the price,I know some folks on the reserve who are just wanting this to happen.

Welcome back(well its always been there)underground economy,time to make some more folks millionaires. -

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well said palaceprincess,

from cbc.ca---->>>>

" A 10 per cent price increase should result in a two to three per cent drop in the number of smokers"

how the fuck can you attribute a "2 or 3 percent drop" in smokers to anything, this may just be annual random flunctuation in the amount of smokers in this country

way to rape smoker's wallets dolton

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Originally posted by FreekerByTheSpeaker:

Hey Esau, been on Lotrats much

Nope,not before today,until you mentioned it.

But I do see thats where the emoticons are from and I found where my buddy has been hiding lately and where he got the list of emoticons..

I recognize your avatar from the hub there and your signature from here though.

Say hi to Mr.Fish for me,I don't need to hang on a site that that.

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fuck you mcguinty, you pointed heady reptilian kitten eater! that's right, rape the working poor and those on welfare even further. if quitting smoking was that easy, don't you think more people would have by now? it's not exactly breaking information that it's bad for you, did spending millions and millions of ontario's money on graphic cigarette packs and jacking the price up to $8 as it is cause tons of people to quit? ah, i'd have to say noooooooooo.

cigarettes were $10 in the '90's? in ontario? highest i remember them being was $6.75 and that was around '94. was this before then?

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Originally posted by PalacePrincess:

cigarettes were $10 in the '90's? in ontario? highest i remember them being was $6.75 and that was around '94. was this before then?

Yeah,not everywhere,in Hamilton I paid $7.50 a few times,shit they are about $7 or more at the store across the street already for at least 3 months.I first paid 9.25 for a pack while up north around Cochrane,think it was around 94 actually,also the at the same time if you had hit a 7-11 back then they were well over $7.50

So maybe it was .75¢ less than $10 that I paid.


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Educate don't legisate.

If the goverment wants folks to quit so badly why don't they go after the tobacco companies?

Also I would like to know how much of this new tax actually goes to health care as they so easily say.

Seems kinda hypocritical to me(I know its goverment,but shit)

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