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Saddam Hussein arrested in Iraq


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its wookie sadam!!! so now what can they do with him? did he actually do anything or was it all made up by bush? i mean they never found any weapons of msss distruction,, or anything else really so what did he ever doi becides being a dick, and having all the oil?

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Originally posted by jared:

its wookie sadam!!! so now what can they do with him? did he actually do anything or was it all made up by bush? i mean they never found any weapons of msss distruction,, or anything else really so what did he ever doi becides being a dick, and having all the oil?

ya he did nothing, just let him go. [Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by jared:

its wookie sadam!!! so now what can they do with him? did he actually do anything or was it all made up by bush? i mean they never found any weapons of msss distruction,, or anything else really so what did he ever doi becides being a dick, and having all the oil?

Pretty sure he killed lots of his own people, gassed the Kurds, invaded a neighbouring country, disobeyed the UN, spent a fortune on palaces etc. while his people starved... I'm glad they caught him, and I'm glad they got him in Bush's first term. Now Bush can't say 'I've got unfinished business to attend to, re-elect me.' Bring on Wesley Clark, he can beat Bush...


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i was just checking, it seems like alot of the stuff he did was over looked cause i didn;t really hear much about it in the news..i just didn't understand why they killed his kids, and wanted to arrest him, i guess i figured he droke the law but i don't really undestand how stuff like that works. so are they just going to kill him now? or send him to court and then kill him? or are they not going to kill him?

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Originally posted by jared:

i was just checking, it seems like alot of the stuff he did was over looked cause i didn;t really hear much about it in the news..i just didn't understand why they killed his kids, and wanted to arrest him, i guess i figured he droke the law but i don't really undestand how stuff like that works. so are they just going to kill him now? or send him to court and then kill him? or are they not going to kill him?

There has been almost non-stop coverage of the evilness of Saddam,not much was overlooked thats for sure,his "kids" got what they had coming to em also,one son was a murdering butcher..evil evil people.

Saddam will probally go on a trial for his crimes against humanity as did the Czech(I believe) bastard they jailed,at least thats how I see it...just read a newspaper someday,Saddam was a evil bastard.

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If Bush is smart he'll leave it to the UN to dish out the punishment. They'll be massive protests for sure if a known war criminal (Saddom) is being charged by another war criminal (Bush). If he acts as judge, jury and executioner he'll lose all momentum gained by this well timed success. Oh well a victory is still a victory...let us raise our glasses in celebration


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It's certainly a good thing that they were able to capture him alive and not turn him into some kind of martyr.

Like most people throughout the world, I was completely against my government unilateraly invading Iraq. It's hard to argue, however, the merits of Husseins regime.

Yeah, Trevor, it's gonna be all that much harder to get W. fired now, but there is still a growing ABB club (anyone but Bush). Hopefully, this time next year, we're talking about how great it is that Dean, Clark, Gephart, or whoever is now in charge.

ps Esau, do you meen Milosevic? He's Serbian.


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Originally posted by FreekerByTheSpeaker:

If Bush is smart he'll leave it to the UN to dish out the punishment.

Hague International War Crimes Tribunal will.

That's how it usually works,its international law,in The Hague,Netherlands is where the trials usually occur.

Bush has no power in that,except perhaps a testimonial.

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Yeah,thats who I meant,my brain is running in low gear today,I did know that....but not today.Thanks.

The only reason I really know that, is because there's like a hundred or so Bosnian families who live in the area and they tell stories about Milosevic first-hand. He was no Tito (and I don't meen Puente)

[ 12-15-2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: bouche ]

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The only reason I really know that, is because there's like a hundred or so Bosnian families who live in the area and they tell stories about Milosevic first-hand. He was no Tito (and I don't meen Puente)


My family is Russian/Serbian/Ukrainian,I just couldnt recall the bastards name(not that I need/want to remember his name)I still hear all about his evilness...probally will tonight also,haveing family over for dinner...

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Originally posted by arcane:

Have you ever seen a guy more in need of the Fab 5?

Ha! [big Grin] I love those guys. I'm due for a makeover.

But seriously, Bush is gonna have some problems if an International tribunal tries Saddam (which is definitely better than a US-led tribunal anyway). Somewhere along the line, they'll have to address US support for Saddam in the 1980's and Bush's flimsy justification for the current occupation.

The world is definitely a better place with one less dictator in it. It's a great day for the world. But this does not wash the Bush's administrations hands clean of all the damage they've done and are doing to the international community as a whole. The end is good, the means are questionable.

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Esau you are forgetting, that they're is no garruntee Bush will respect International law and give The UN and naturally the Hague the chance to punish...He could just as easily make yet another unilateral decision of doing it themselves or creating a tribunal where the USA would play a much more active role than just providing testimony. At the very least the terms of Saddam's punishment will be dictated by the USA whether there is a trial or not...it's probably already decided.

...stranger things have happened.

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