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Options for this weekend...what to choose?


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OK, starting the new year off right, I again have a plethora of mutually-exclusive choices for this weekend:

  • Friday, Jan. 9: Addison Groove Project at Le Swimming in Montreal
  • Saturday, Jan. 10: Don Ross at The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield
  • Saturday, Jan. 10: nero at the Trasheteria in Peterborough

Anybody have their plans set? I'm willing to share travel expenses (to/from Ottawa) for any of the shows.



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Those are some pretty sweet options. It would be awesome if a bunch of you dudes made it down for the nero show on saturday. people can crash at our place but i think there's a lot of people coming up so things might get a little crowded at the end of the night. something to consider anyways...

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