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Meet Your Meat

Pootie Tang

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Hey folks, a while back someone had posted this link on "The Meatrix"


This link gave some of us a pretty good idea of the reality of what goes on behind the scenes of corporate factory farming; produce the most meat n dairy in the least amount of time, space n money.

Now a friend of mine sent me this site:


Please, if you can handle it, check out the video.

This truely is a disturbing look at the truth behind the meat, milk and eggs we consume from these rich heartless corporate bastards. I love meat n dairy, but after seeing this I'll always think more about what goes into my body, and put a conscienceous effort into what I buy. I hope this will cause some of you out there to take a second look at what you buy and eat as well. I'm seriously going organic, more veggie and free range, as well as promoting this when I can.

It only takes a few minutes to view the video, but the results will change you for a lifetime.

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way to make a girl cry first thing in the morning!! [Frown] but seriously, i have seen shit like that before, it is truly sickening. I don't agree with going totally vegetarian though. I follow (or try to) my ancestral diet and feel that others should too. But, buying free range, organic meat is definitely the way to go. at least then you know how the animals are treated and you know what is in your meat. I am lucky enough to have such a farm about 20 minutes from my house.

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The nature of things was really good last night Pootie Tang. As my girlfriend said it's great how Suzuki makes you feel like garbage in the firs thalf and builds you up in the second half. The next half is about alternative farming, rare breeds, etc which I look forward to.

We are indeed lucky in Ottawa to have a number of sources for free-range organic meats. Generally I will opt for the free-range component as the first criteria because in every case the taste has been exponentially better. Organic usually follows in the same breath but not always so if organic is important to you make sure you check the label.

Also keep in ind that the terms "free range" and "organic" are not conclusively gauged and measured right now, and while standards are being developed we don't have clear values that determine what is considered organic and what is not, and similiarly what constitutes a free range animal and what doesn't. It's still makes for a much better meal than grocery meats that, are factory produced by the likes of Maple Leaf Foods and others.

The Glebe Meat Market has a good selection of organic meats but unfortunately it's always in the frozen section. Anyone know where to get it fresh in the market?

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eee- I remember that camp fire earthfreak! I also remember her talking about enjoying torturing the pigs.. she was a fucking psycho. It was a little sad to have the entire group of rambunxious partyin people quiet down in that partyin atmosphere and try to change the topic.. blahh. she came up a few times over the tour as someone we'd all never forget. hopefully she started thinking, in some capacity.

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I wish it were easier to load up on organic meats and veggies.

The veggies always seem to last longer in the fridge and always crisper, greener, juicier.

But, I've never been able to buy organic meats yet. This thread has got some good links to start planning an orgy of organic foods.

mmmmmmm.....organic foooooood.

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Thanks for the info "ahess6488", I'm still pretty virgin to the organic meats/produce, and the more I read the better I understand, I'm glad theres good folks out there like you guys trying to do their part and live a healthier choice lifestyle for both yourselves and the environment we live in. I've talked to quite a few folks who follow this path and say it's amazing just how they feel from eating good, clean, organic culture.

I'm off this weekend to check a few places for fresh free range meats and dairy, I'll keep you posted on what i find.

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ahhhh i was going to watch it, but its from peta.

they are the most biased, out of touch with reailty, extreme group.

if the video was from someone remotely neutral, id watch it. but this video is from a group who is so against the eating of meat, they have totally voided any chance of validity they may have had.


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Secondtube...I tend to agree with you especially because PETA never provides rational alternatives to eating meat...for those people who watch one of their videos and are scarred for life. Too much doombringing and not enough practicality and alternative suggestions.

But to play devil's advicate for a minute, what in your mind makes Greenpeace so unbiased that you're willing to support them on a monthly basis? I tend to group Greenpeace and PETA in the same boat b ecuase they employ overwhelming (yet effective) public relations strategies to raise funds and bring celebrities on board...in the end tha results in changes such as PETA's negotiations with KFC but I'm not sure that this is accomplished through scientificor statistic means. Dare I say that the war on Iraq and the capture of Saddam is another example of the triumph of Good over evil in the absence of proof? Ooh la la!

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what in your mind makes Greenpeace so unbiased that you're willing to support them on a monthly basis? I tend to group Greenpeace and PETA in the same boat b ecuase they employ overwhelming (yet effective) public relations strategies to raise funds and bring celebrities on board...

You raise a good point, one i can only answer with, my gf signed me up for that greenpeace thing, a one year, 10 dollars a month plan.

i wasn't entirely against it, but i would not have signed up on my own.

Now to put the two head to head, they are both exremist groups, and both should really think about how they are getting their message across...

But the day i see a Peta member risking his life, hanging off a russian whaler, scaling the giant anchor, to get on board for a few seconds of video....well, they can have my 10 bucks a month.

Those greenpeace guys are loonies! Their advertising video on day time television is crazy...those guys are off their rocker.

But sometimes it takes a little crazyness to get some media attention.

Unfortunately i dont like the message the extremist group Peta is delivering, whereas Greenpeace, though i'm not thrilled with, bring me joy when i read their Monthly Newsletter.

(which last i checked wasn't even written on Recyclable Paper!)

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greenpeace has turned into a corporation, most money raised goes towards management and corporate costs, a fraction goes into worthwhile environmental endeavours (but I guess every little bit helps)

doesn't seem like big organizations can stay focused and get lost in beaurocracy (imagine if jambands.ca had 500,000 members?)

after not eating animal products for 4 years I just don't really like them anymore (though sometimes roasts or bacon do smell tempting)

6 months without any dairy and you'll never believe you used to put it in your body

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Heh..well I tend to agree that there's awareness raising, and then there's shocking the shit out of people to further a message. When I worked at the International Joint Commission I sued to hear about Greenpeace...calling up Alcan a few days in advance to tell them about a protest they would be doing at Outflow C...and could they please turn off the flow between 1:00pm and 2:00 pm to demosntrate success on Greenpeace's part?

My Dad works for a large pharmaceutical company and they used to come and chain themselves to the door. When they were invited in to have a tour of the facility they categorically REFUSED. Why? Probably because none of these protestors has a firm enough understanding of what they're protesting to be able to refute claims made by a public relations expert at the big company.

I don't endorse what my father's company does, and have made it very clear what mys tance is on pesticides( which they manufacture, among other things such as contact lense solution, camera film, etc). BUT...I repect an open-door policy and have no repsecct for a person who protests solely on a presonal belief that's not adequately researched and thought out.

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regardless of the graphic and shocking nature of the video, that is not an unrealistic portrait of large scale meat production. while i personally don't eat meat, i have nothing against people who do. i think regardless of what you eat you should be aware of what it is and where it comes from. that goes for flesh, preservatives, and even fruits and veggies.

i have a lot of respect for hunters and fishers. if you're going to eat it you should be able to handle the harvest.

as for those major environmentalist organisations --- they are all about providing convincing images for the public. while i suppose i am an environmentalist by my beliefs, i don't think i'd ever work with one of those major groups. publicity first, thoughtful real progress second (on a good day, i think).

i worked with a smaller group in victoria and found even at the smaller size, the priorities for action and knowledge had shifted from simple grassroots action and education to easy to swallow facts and figures to communicate at rallies and door to door canvassing etc. that approach seems to draw only fleeting interest.

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Sorry to upset you "onthejourney", it defenitely wasn't my intent, but that's the same way I felt as well. It truely must be mentally insane to be working in one of those factory farmhouses and seeing shit like that go down, I defenitely couldn't do it.

Our good friend David Suzuki is running a 2 part Nature of Things on Corporate vs Alternative Agriculture, the first part was last night but airs again in the next week, it was great, informative, the truth, and they really put those corporate meat heads on the chopping block, check it out at:


Also, for anyone interested in where to find Alternative/Organic meats and produce in their areas, heres a few good sites, turns out Ottawa has a pretty good source for this:






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sittin around a campfire with a bunch of folks including the nero boys at a long beach campground a couple years ago. don't know how we got onto the topic, but one girl there had been raised slaughtering pigs. she was really casual about the whole thing - like she didn't think about what she was doing (i think she said that she couldn't think about it). that whole conversation really creeped me out. i doubt i'll ever forget it.

as for that video [Frown][Eek!][Frown] reminds me why it's so important to buy organic dairy products and why i don't eat meat.

hmmmm should i send that link to my Atkins dieting mom or is that just rude?

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