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Addison Groove Project= LOADS O'FUN!


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I think your on to something there 'tube. It's a medium is the message type trip. It seems fairly self-evident that if you are gourded that you will have a higher tolerance for ambling and rambling passages of music. As to your point megs I struggle with that one. I think 'good' music is relative to the ear of the beholder but I also think there is such a thing as 'objectively' good or bad music. Music that aspires to the highest order of the human condition, that evokes the ethos and pathos of life, that expresses the impermanence of creation could be called 'good'. Music that panders to base emotions, crass materialism, basically the lowest common denominators of human experience could be called 'bad'. But there are exceptions, for instance some people think Hall and Oates are 'bad' but they're more Michael Jackson bad if you get my drift.

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Originally posted by SugarMegs:

Originally posted by 6ftgroove:


who is the k/y crowd? and how do i get ahold of them?

If u mean the KW crowd u met us at the SLC last wednesday. And I think u just got a hold of us.

er..uh.. i was just making light of a spelling error... i'm too dense to know what you are on about.

and yeah we did meet! and it was a pleasure to meet you all. there is nothing more freaky (in a cool way) than meeting in person someone that you only know by an internet alias. everytime i'm surprised without fail.

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I think for once you've got me Megs. As a side note it seems really ironic to me that this thread is subtitled 'loads o'fun'. I think I hold to my belief in an objective good so strongly because the crass commercial tide is so overwhelming that I feel I have to build a dyke to hold back the flood.

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Originally posted by SugarMegs:

Yes I get your drift. I am devoting my life to the study of other cultures and one thing seems to come up over and over again. From the veena in India, to Chinese opera, to Highland singing in Yogoslavia beauty is relative.

Proving your point even furthur, they developed the bagpipes up there in Scotland... [Embarrassed][Eek!][Mad][Roll Eyes][Frown]

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great night, really good band

Wierdness summed it up best for me by saying if they got a smoking guitar player and just let the current guy focus on the trumpet (he's a truly smokin trumpet player, really good on guitar too) and a great bass player to free up the keyboard player from the role they'd really be onto something

but I really enjoyed myself, even without the "drug drugs" which, frankly I also generally enjoy (so I can communicate with the band from where I'm dancing and I don't have to get up on stage like Kung to do so [Wink] )

was certainly an awesome crowd

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wow, what a great night.... addison kicked the asses of all in attendance, and what a superb crowd, everywhere you turned all you could see were people going off. it was soooooooooooo nice to see so many of you people out there, it truly is amazing how well this board has brought all of us together in "real life". i remember looking around at all the cavern skanks & thinking if it wasn't for this beautiful board they may still be strangers. thanks jambands.ca! don't ever go down for so long again!!!

marco, every other sentence you type makes me want to buy you a beer, so it was truly my honour. shainhouse, groove fetish, hamilton, willy, leanne, paisley, heck EVERYBODY, it was so great to see you! every time i turned around there was someone new to make me laugh, and share the amazing music with.

and k/y crew.... wow, i just want to marry all of you. [smile] it was really a treat to get the whole gang out, at the same place, at the same time, we really need to do that more often. meg, you may as well rig up a bat-signal-like peking duck beacon, i am ~ALWAYS~ there for that.

OH and groove fetish, i meant to tell you this but didn't get a chance -- that patchwork mini-skirt you were wearing was freakin' awesome! totally loved it. [smile]

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