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String Cheese Incident appreciation thread


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Well I've got to say, my only real exposure to them is the show at the Coolhaus or whatever the hell the old RPM/Warehouse is called now around Christmas this year, and I had quite a good time. And hey, they put on what to me was a quite enjoyable, danceable show. And they ended with Tom Sawyer, and they even nailed the odd bars of 7/8 or whatever it the hell it is that everyone always fucks up when they cover that tune, so that in and of itself was impressive to me. Yah Cheese!


Mr. M.

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I love the 'Cheese!

I've seen about 8 shows.

Last October's Toronto show was a blast!

Montreal 10/24/01 is still my favourite,with the 10/23/01 Toronto show being my least favourite.

Haven't heard the new CD...I hear it's crap - even some of my SCI loving friends think so!

(As I recall...NewRider had it sitting on his front lawn hoping someone would come and take it...)

IMHO, I wish they'd ban the hula hoops from indoor events though...just not enough space. They are a blast at large outdoor venues though!

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i saw them in toronto. i had to say nero opening was way better. the scene around string cheese was a sketchy bunch of hurt bag kids looking to get high or something

sorry to diss you band man.. but i heard so much hype about them and then after i saw them i was shocked how lame they were

and isn't that the band where everyone was getting hepititise? or something?

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WARNING!!!! - I am fuckin drunk!!!

anyways, 3 things to say

one--- fuck hepititis, that is bullshit!!!

two--- Kung said Ashley Macwanker would fuckin put Chang under the carpet?? whatever, well, can Ashley play guitar??? no!

three-- If you don't like em, but you are willing to give em one chance for respectibility, please, listen to this show....



tell me, honestly, that 3rd disc, before Magic Carpet Ride, that you aren't just a little envious of everybody else there... cus, they are having about as much fun as you can have... period...

apart from that, sorry, drunk cheesehead...

love you all, no matter who you love... buenos noches.

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Originally posted by jared:

i saw them in toronto. i had to say nero opening was way better. the scene around string cheese was a sketchy bunch of hurt bag kids looking to get high or something

Wrong band.

nero opened for moe. not SCI.

Maybe you were just too high to realize.

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I love the Cheese. I must say that I enjoy their 1998 era more so than the most recent stuff. the shows I saw from 98-2000 were amazing to say the least. Great shows, small crowds, tight music. If you haven't hear anything check out 5/16/98 or 9/10/98 - two of my favourites. 11/20,21/98 from texas are also smokin'.

The band has talent, they write good songs and they can jam. To totally dismiss them and say they suck is foolish. Some of the newer stuff isn't that great, but overall they are worth seeing live for sure. A lot of energy and a good time listening to good musicians.


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As for the Cheese, all that I can say is that they're a hell of a lot of fun to see and other than Keith being a bit of a weak bass player, they're all excellent players, ie. could play circles around Ween any day of the week.

It's music that is designed to make you feel good, and that's about all there is to it. Take it for what it is, don't expect it to be something that it's not. There's alot of unhappy people out there these days and these guys help you to forget your worries for a few hours which is great. I can also appreciate how some people can't handle this type of thing and like a harder edgier sound. To each they're own I guess.

Also, it's gotta be the best early morning music to listen to when you're driving.

Plus, anyone who sits in with and are good friends with The Slip's gotta be good, right Kung?

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