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Ms. Hux?


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Dear Ms. Hux,

As much as I am ashamed to admit it, throughout the work day today my mind keeps returning to the somewhat, shall we say, pornographic image of yourself that was posted on this board earlier today.

Now, we all know you have an excellent reputation and you are a good person. Is there anything you can say to defend or explain yourself? How did this picture come to be?

My guess is that everyone was lighting farts and they just happened to take a picture of you doing so. Is this correct? Other than that, I just can't imagine what happened to allow such an image to be captured and posted here!!

-phishy K

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Dude, I may be the skinniest of the two, but I am the ass-kicker of the Bouchards......

Dont worry about her defending. The only thing you best be defending is your fat bass.

"I'm coming out of the booooooooth"

I think the 'real' question should be posed to the fairy leather princess that requested his/her pic be taken down, even though he shamelessly left that picture of her up!

Besides, I am still waiting for you to come up and jam mf-er! Why dont you come down and ask her yourself, politely of course.


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Hey Phishy K. I am ummmmm......flattered? Mostly embarassed (no pun intended) [Wink]

I don't have much of an excuse really. Listen, I'm sure you can appreciate the life of a rock star. You're on the road, out of town, filled with free drinks, surrounded by friends, pumped up on the adrenaline of a good show, in a hotel room, cameras come out..... it happens! [Wink][Razz]

I apologize if my drunken behaviour offended anyone. I also apologize on behalf of my band-mate who felt the need to share that. [Mad]

Fantasize away I guess. What's a girl to do?

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lol... excellent response.

I definitely know all about the life of a rock star. It's kinda rough sometimes. I remember a time, long ago... when 3 different girls were calling me every day. Ah! Now, being single it seems like it'd be so great, but I remember back then it was kind of a pain in the ass!

Not to mention all the drinking (and especially) drugs.

Do you guys all have day jobs or are you doing the serious full-time musician thing? I am trying to make that transition but Victoria is so small it's really tough to be a pro musician.

ANYWAYS! I digress...

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