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Coffee And Hashish


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While I won't speak for the hashish part of your request, if you're not familiar with different kinds of coffee, your best bet is to go to a good coffee shop (especially if you can find an independent one), talk to them, try various coffees (over the course of several days), and take notes.

For a good all-round coffee, I like Colombian Supremo. It's full-flavoured, a little on the strong side, but not too much. If someone else is buying, I'll take Jamaican Blue Mountain*.

If you're making it yourself, buy beans, and grind them yourself. I use a "French press" coffee maker (I bought mine from MEC) and like it a lot.



* Remind me to tell you about coming through customs at Pearson with a buddy who had brought 60 pounds of Jamaican High Mountain coffee with him...

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Originally posted by Chickenbutter420:

I was wondering what
of coffee would would go best with some lebinese.

I would definitely go with Jamaican Blue Mountain if you can get your hands on it. It's wonderful. In a pinch, I find the PC Organics coffee, that comes pre-ground in a tin, makes a nice cup of coffee. If you want to get really exotic, I've got an Iranian friend that insists the best coffee in the world is Torrefazione Barzula Turkish coffee.

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I was originally making a hash suggestion...


Originally posted by \/\/illy:

I've got an Iranian friend that insists the best coffee in the world is Torrefazione Barzula Turkish coffee.

Very good coffee...I have neighbours from Iran and when were enjoying some fine hash thats the stuff we drink,nice and full flavoured.

Think I'll wander over now...

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Originally posted by paisley:

I had to take a shit after replying to this thread, just like old times

paisley, you slay me...

love to help ya out, bro...but im havin trouble with the first part..findin the hash...and i DO have good video games just waitin to be played...

hey Willy, that iranian stuff, was that the stuff you gave me before we hit the road last august? that was good shit. i'd recommend that stuff...ask willy what it was...

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Originally posted by bradm:

All we have to do now is hope that Maine decriminalizes possession, then we could turn
into a full-featured coffee shop...coffee, hash, and topless waitresses...mmmm....



Decriminalization has been in effect in Maine for awhile now,since the 70's.

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