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Record Vomitting...


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Driving back from Québec City, after drinking till 6 am and only 3 hours of sleep (I just should not have gone to bed), I had to ask my friend to stop the car so I could barf by the side of the highway. That's a classic for me.

Isn't 'barf' a funny word? I never use it but a friend of mine does and I think its sounds grosser than saying 'puke'.

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I think I had 13 when I was living in Belfast, I actually had a mild stomach ulcer from excessive boozin and eating fried food everyday.. --well, you know what they say; "when in Rome." hehe.

--St.Patties on Wednesday too!!!!-- By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calllllliiiinnn....

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One morning after a hard night of drinking my roomate puked the next day all day every half hour till about 11 at night. I am guessing maybe 20 or mor times. At 11 at night we decided to smoke a bowl. After the bowl he felt absolutly fine..

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Originally posted by Cosmic ChrisC:

Isn't 'barf' a funny word? I never use it but a friend of mine does and I think its sounds grosser than saying 'puke'.

I think that the word "barf" would be a pretty shining example of onomatopoeia.

You're right Sheikyerbouti, I believe that it was 8 times that day. I think you had hit 3 before we even left the cottage. I must say, I have never in my life heard someone be that sick.

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Originally posted by Cosmic ChrisC:

Isn't 'barf' a funny word?

The most popular brand of dish / laundry detergent in Pakistan / Afghanistan is 'Barf'. Picture a box of Tide or Sunlight with the word Barf in big neon letters... Hilarious.. I have a picture somewhere...


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so far im up to 4 today....not even 1pm yet...i could break my current record, which, i believe stands at 8...Willy, correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure it was 8...some of them that day happened in your truck...unprecendented puking...

anyways, so im up to 4...im not sure if i got the legs to go the distance, tho...im starting to feel a little better... [Eek!]

anyone else, feel free to share your records or stories involving vomitting....or anything else for that matter, really...

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