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Phix is good


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Word was Trey's not using a compressor anymore, I heard him say that in Guitar world I believe. [/QB]

That's interesting. Trey's sound is so much derived from compression and overdrive. At least if you compare him to Jerry. I'd love to hear what he sounds like.

Garcia never used a compressor, he was very much into pulling out the natural sounds of the attack. The man was a true master of dynamics. So underated.

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Originally posted by Pootie Tang:

Word was Trey's not using a compressor anymore, I heard him say that in Guitar world I believe.

I think it's that he's not using the Ross compressor. According to Analog Man, Trey's using their pedals (both compressors and modified TS9/808).



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secondtube, I thought the bass was what held the band down to be honest... The keys werent mind blowing, but he also has a lot less to work with then Page... The guitarist and drummer I liked the most..

overall, I thought the show was a real good time... I thought it would hold me off until I get to see phish in Vegas.. but really I just wanna see the real thing more then ever now..

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yeah i definatly loved that show, the muisc was killer, and the lights were amazing. i ended up running out kinda early when the trip started getting weird, so i'm sorry i didn't say bye to anyone. i definatly had the best time i ever had at the oppera house since spearhead.

it was good to see everyone, and i hope you all had a good time

love and peace

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YEM sounded pretty sick, but you could tell these guys were tired as shit by the end of it.... I thought Roses was played too fast and with very little feeling or energy left on stage....

I'm impressed with their harmonies, and the amount of parents that let their young out to see PHIX on a monday night until 2am.

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I have no idea why everyone is so hard on Cavern. They sounded great through the Opera House sound system IMO. If I was maybe 7 years younger they might even be my favourite band right now. But, now that I'm old and jaded, they are just another real good canjam band. They may have bitten off more than they could chew for their closing tune but cheers to them for writing in the epic style, harmonizing, and playing all orignal jam music.

Phix was hot stuff too. No surprises though. No chance of a jam taking a left turn. A breakout would have been irrelevant. It was great to hear those songs live again. Curtain w/ and SPOAM were highlights for me. I thought they sang better than Phish and the fact that I couldn't hear the keys made their keyboardist sound an awful lot like Page. Besides Tela they avoided the slow songs and did their best to keep the crowd moving. I'd drive to Toronto on a Monday to see them again for sure.

The crowd was a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Made me realize how big this community is and how often I just represent it with the people who post on this board. Great to see 2nd Tube and Jay Cleary - the two hardest working guys in the scene. Great night!

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this thread has solidified my thoughts that the jamband scene is far too dependant on drugs to enjoy a show.

i missed cavern. that was the reason i took the ticket in the first place but since i offered to drive i kept on through even though i knew i'd be late.

the phix show agitated and bored me.

i'll tell you my biggest issue: the sound guy. i know i'm not a sound genius but that kick was far too subsonic and wet. it overpowered the band - especially the bass player! the only reason the bass cut through is because it was a bright, crisp active modulus bass.

only at the end of the 2nd set did the bass fatten up.

the bass player was obviously schooled. it shouldn't be obvious that a musician's schooled. no soul and too many bum notes.

he was less than genuinely confident and he couldn't even sing 'harry'. if you're a phish tribute act you'd better sing dammit!

the balcony was closed. i saw a computer up there - lights?? recording??

i dont' knwo why the guy was up ther but the show would've been cooler on the balcony.

the lighting rig was not very big. the new deal have a more impressive rig and they don't attest to being a show based on an act whose light shows are legendary. they attest to making cool music. it was just decoration. i didn't notice the lights really helping anyhting except the rather empty venue.

there were people there but it thinned out early.

no in-out. i was searched and my sharpie was confiscated. 'i know you look older but you could still tag up the bathroom' what the fuck's that all about?

$3.50 sodas?? i was the driver. i should've left it instead of paying my last $3.10 and getting a dirty look from an unenthused bartender wearing a pair of J Lo jeans.

i ended up not paying for the ticket which was bonus but was more comfortable hanging out in the lobby with the guys from cavern.

the band didn't stick to a groove for more than 20 seconds all the time i watched them. sure they can jam but they sure as hell can't hold down a groove and let 'trey' go.

i won't see phix again and i'll be reluctant to see phish for the first time if this show was 'bang on'.

so they 'hit it'? they did it note for note?

i guess there's a reason that i like phish as background/party/driving music but never listen to my bootlegs on my own at home.

they've made some of the best music i've ever heard but if i'm goig to feel antsy and agitated all night i'll stick to my guns and wait for a trey band show to head north.

boo to phix. i bet they're cool guys though. the bass palyer seriously needs to lose the sheet music and get a better feel.

I thought ben from cavern had way better feel when he played my absolutely dead show in London...ther ewere like 10 people there and he didn't mess it up OR need sheet music to know how to play the music he's passionate about.

tsk tsk tsk...what a sad tribute to a band that's legendary. i still like TMNS as a tribute act way more.

better feel, better songs, better emotion, and with a slightly different lineup than the dead.

way to go jerry's kids!

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so was it 80% sold out? [Eek!]

funny how all the campy Phix phans have no comments from last night's show. I guess they've moved on to other local phan boards that cater to Phix' next gig.

I'll say it just one more time:

Phix: the only ardent phans pissed off when the hiatus ended.

And kudos to whomever said this:

"If it ain't broke,

don't Phix it"

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