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Question of the Day 03-17-04


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backbacon, I did a similar thing to my sister and put her tooth out. She somehow forgave me, despite the 3 years in braces...

personally, the worst I've had was downhill skiing. I was cruising down the hill, with a kid I knew in front of me. He wipes out and I fall over his skiis, then land on them. The brake of the ski (that metal bit that should be covered in plastic, but on his ski was not) goes through my jacket into my arm. Blood from shoulder to wrist, trip to hospital, stitches and that's about it. Good times!

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on the subject of horseplay, i had another rough accident that im sure will make some of the fellas cringe.

this would have been about 4 or 5 summers ago. i was in my buddies backyard after taking a dip in his pool, and as a joke i tossed his towel into the water. this made him mad, and was not a smart move on my behalf.

typically this friend of mine is fast and lithe, capable of quick manouvers and well trained in the martial arts, and so forth. still, as he is no more than a human being i could not entirely trust his aim.

he takes the towel out of the pool, drenched, and twists it into a rope like weapon. he begins to flail it towards me. more specificaly, towards my loins. typically this friend of mine is fast and lithe, capable of quick manouvers and well trained in the martial arts, and so forth. still, as he is no more than a human being i could not entirely trust his aim.

so hes laughing and trying to freak me out, and im telling him, 'man dont miss, just stop it, you're going to miss.' and he just keeps on laughing.

this is the bad part.

with one mighty whip, he swings the towel and it makes direct connection.and i mean DIRECT CONNECTION. the very tip of the towel, soaking wet, hits me directly on the tip of my (excuse the phrasing, i couldnt think of a better word) knob. now, most guys know theres quite a bit of nerves in that general area, and the contact caused explosive pain, immediately. this is a pain like i have never felt. i instantly dropped, clutching myself, screaming curses at hima nd ripping all the grass out of his lawn in absolute pain and terror (being in the early stages of pubesence i feared immediately a lack of further developement, or potential amputation - [Mad] - obvious speculation, but hey it was in the ehat of the moment)

i managed to get up, leave with only a muttered curse, and crawl the few blocks back to my house where my family thought it was hilarious and only managed to anger me more. i lay i bed for atleast 2 hours before the pain subsided to a dull throbbing.

the lesson is dont throw friends towels in their pools.

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Breakin out the genital tales ay, this guys brother I knew was putting up a soccer net on to the little hooks of the up-rights. He had climbed up the pole to hook the netting on, on his way down he slipped and caught his nut sac on one of the hooks slicing open his bag, exposing the bare (and I mean bare) testicle hanging by a wire. Straight to the hospital for said fellow, and I'm sure he's never been the same.

* most easily explainable terminology if you ask me.

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First of all..Becky i feel you on the tickling subject. When i was little..about 8 or 9..my friend's mom decided it would be funny to tickle me...my feet to be more precise...(which is a definately don't go there or else area of the body)...so i kicked really hard...and oops..gave her a bloody nose....

Now...I have a huge mother of a scar from 2 surgeries... on my belly... that was traumatic...


i killed my back once from jumping off my trampoline at full speed, high as i could go..and landing thump on the ground...that hurt...

oh ..there's so many.

but nothing crazy..i think i've been the laid back kinda girl forever... Geez..i gotta start taking more risks....haha.

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.....car accidents.....torn ligaments.....broken nose......

but the one i love...is the good grade 6, biking full speed...front wheel falls off bike...slide the left side of my face over about 10 feet of pavement removing all the skin...blood everywhere, and just as i start to cry i look over at my brother who was biking whith me and he is laughing so hard, on his knees slapping the ground with his hand laughing...made me do the cry/laugh thing. [big Grin]

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