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Question of the Day 03-17-04


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When I was in Grade 7, I was playing air guitar while standing on a folding chair, rocking out like only a red-faced, tubby only child listening to Deep Purple can. The chair collapsed and I broke my left wrist. However, I was in so much pain I just slept off the agony and lived in major discomfort for a couple of weeks. It certainly wasn't getting any better so I finally went to the doctor and they had to re-break it so it could be cast properly. That was just before Christmas. I woke up Christmas morning with chicken pox and the flu to go along with my broken wrist.

Worst. Christmas. Ever! [Mad]

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I got myself into a nasty car accident back in my last year of high school, which was not my fault but when you read on remember this happened in good ole New York. My girlfriend at the time was in the passenger seat and got hurt pretty badly, I was barely touched. She was in the hospital for months. I was at her side every day for every minute I could(remember what stupid puppy love was like?), and I even cut my hair off to celebrate her getting out of the hospital (she didn't like "hippie Sean" and I quote her on that).

Cut to me breaking up with the psycho two months later......... and being served three days later with a 1.2 MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT. It seems she had it all set and waiting in case we broke up. She just didn't want anyone at school to find out?!?! She sued me, my father who owned the vehicle, the other driver and the gas station.

I could go on, this fucked me up pretty good...... But the long and short of it is that the bitch is rich (and I mean that with a big fat capital B).

I still hate her everyday.


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I was a passanger in a double head on collision, meaning 1st car hit us head on, then the car behind it hit us head on again. Shattered my pelvis, broke some ribs. I was in the hospital for a few months. But a few metal plates and tonnes of physio later, I'm feeling pretty good. Which is a whole lot better then pretty dead. Funny how a near death experience can change you outlook on life.

on a side note, everyone else was okay in the accident. we even had a dog in the car who walked away w/o a scratch

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Many years ago (maybe '95 or so) I was coming home from the now-defunct X-Club and was waiting at a red light at the corner of Limeridge and Upper Gage (for all you Hamiltonians out there). Anyway, some dude in a mint-condition classic pick-up ploughed into me doing about 60-70kms an hour, pushing my vehicle acroos four lanes (thankfully, no one was coming throught the intersection). Incredibly, I was completely unhurt, probably because the car wasn't in gear and I didn't have my foot on the brake when he hit me - thank Jebus for standard-transmission cars and flat roads. Anyway, the guy was really drunk and may or may not have been receiving oral sex at the time. My car was a complete right off - the trunk was in my back seat.

For an actual injury - June, 2002 - I decide to get really high and then go play frisbee with my friends in a park near my house in London. At night. Needless to say, I sprained my ankle so badly that it swelled to the size of a grapefruit, and I could barely walk. The doctor said I would have been better off breaking it. My students made much fun of me, although I of course didn't tell the, that I was higher than a kite when I did it. I think they knew anyway, though.

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Ok, this story is really stupid and embarrassing, but I'll share it anyways.

I use to work on these huge ejection molding machines making plastic parts for chairs. It wasn't a bad job, we were allowed to wear a walkman while we worked which was great. While i was working and happily listening to music something shiny in the bottom of the machine caught my eye, and as i was looking down at it i accidentally dropped my headphones in the machine. I bent myself over the safety bar to try and grab them, but I lost my footing and fell right inside the machine, head first. I found myself in between two huge metal molds which i feared would close in and crush me. Stuck in an awkward handstand position with my feet peeking out the top all I could do was wait. After what seemed like an eternity, a co-worker finally came around and pulled me out. Once all the blood left my head, i made a promise to myself never to smoke pot on my breaks again!!! Luckily there's a safety feature on those machines that keeps the mould from closing with the doors are open, but yeah... aside from the giant headache, and minor scratches there was no injury... but that was probably the dumbest accident I've ever been involved in.

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Guest Low Roller

When I was 13 I was hit by a car when crossing a street (not my fault). Luckily I went completely limp before the hit so I absorbed it relatively well... got thrown probably a good 60 meters.

When I was 14 I fell down a three or four story cliff into a small stream knocking myself out in the process. If I didn't land on my back into the shallow stream I probably would've drowned. I was found around three hours later and spent a night in the hospital.

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I was about 17 playing a round of 500-up in the football field with some friends. Left field hit...running backwards...running...running....

Then I find myself on my hands and knees spitting out teeth and blood. Turns out that just as I turned around to toss my ball glove in the air, I ran face-first into an unpadded tackling dummy.

My face was a mess...blood and bruises everywhere. Oh, the swelling! Not to mention the missing teeth.

I don't know which was worse...the kiss of death with the metal dumbass or the root canal that followed.


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Picture this....

Early summer morning baseball practice, dew on everything. 10 year old bully throws your baseball glove on top of the dug-out, you climb the fence and get your glove. This fence is about 5ft tall your about 5 ft tall, Your climbing down the dew covered fence, you slip, your arm is over one side of the fence while the rest of you is on the latter. Your hanging off the ground about 6 inches by your arm pit for about 2 minutes before someone comes and lifts you off of a fence like this...


No more swimming that summer, and the pain of having to clean the 36 stiches frequently made for a pretty crappy summer and a brutal looking scar.

ouch. [Frown]

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Wow, I've got so many to tell. I'll start with this one:

I was about 13 at the time and I used to race my best friend to high school every day on our bikes. I had a ten speed at the time. Well, just before the front sidewalk that leads to the front doors, there's a ramp that leads from street level to sidewalk level. Now this particular ramp was pretty shoddily built and didn't actually start until about 2 inches off the road. This particular day, I was racing up the street full speed (which was pretty damn fast for a healthy six foot teenager) and when I reached the ramp, I tried to "pop a wheelie" as I did each day, in order to compensate for the poorly built ramp. On this particular day, my poorly maintained bike decided that the forks' long relationship with the axle of the tire was over and they seperated. I had no idea this happened until about one nanosecond later when my forks buried themselves into the sidewalk and my forward momentum, through the magic of centrifugal force was transferred through my chin, into the cement. My hands were still firmly clasped into those C-curved handlebars that 10-speeds have. The entire impact was on my chin. I picked myself up (not sure if I was out or not), and realized that I was bleeding from my ears. Having had substaintial first aid training, I realized this was likely the sign of a concussion. I got really scared around this point. I dragged myself into the scool and an ambulance was immediately called by the whiter-than-usual office staff. Well, it turns out that I had broken my jaw, ruptured my ear-drum, given myself a concussion, required 15 stiches across the chin, and badly scraped my arms and legs.

I rode my bike a lot more carefully after that.


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Hey c-towns! Wow, we almost had the exact same experience. The only difference is that it was only my wrist that didn't make it over. I'll show you that scar sometime. If you buy me a beer, I'll tell you about how I was rushed to the hospital through the championship celebrating McMaster Muraders fans in a VW bug escorted by a motorcycle cop.

Damn, I was such a klutz: I have dozens of these stories.

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ive seriously never had a broken bone or needed stitches, but i have a horrific tale of eye surgery from when i was younger.

i was in kindergarten at the time and my eyes were both getting increasingly lazy, and glasses wouldnt help, so to fix it i needed to get a plate put behind my right eye to hold it in place. in order to do this my retina ( i think this is correct, i was only 5 though and the details are sketchy) had to be frozen. in order to freeze my retina, a needle had to be injected into the centre of my eye. in order to this my eye had to be open. so picture a needle coming directly towards your open eye at the age of 5, being held down by doctors and nurses and screaming and crying, etc . . .

needlesds to say im not good with needles any longer.

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Thats the makings of a strange story there Willy.

Just look at that fence, why wouldn't they bend those tips over or something, thoses fences still make me cringe. Although after that incident they started putting tubing over the spikes so it doesn't happen to some poor other kids, damn they should name that diamond after me.

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whoa, y'all have had some crazy shit happen! you're lucky to be alive!!!

and ha ha ha ha ha ha, misspink!!!!!! even i've never heard that story before, that was hilarious! thanks for sharing (& no need to be embarrassed, that was really funny [smile] ).

i've been the extremly lucky & mostly unscathed passenger in a couple of car accidents, one totalling the car but not severely hurting anyone, but the only accident/injury that has ever landed me in the hospital is also the reason why i am absolutely not allowed to be tickled.

i am probably the world's most ticklish person ever. if you attempt to tickle me, i will probably freak out & punch you in the face, i apologize in advance, but it is just an instant reaction. not only do i absolutely hate to be tickled, but i am soooo ticklish, that i will just flail around like a maniac to escape you, and am not discriminating in which of your body parts my flailing limbs will connect with.

well, a few years ago, my boyfriend at the time decided it would be a really fun game to break the rules & tickle me. he's about 6'4" (i'm about 5'4"), so it was no problem for him to simutaneously pin me down, hang onto both of my wrists & tickle away. normally with a size difference like that i'd be no match, but when i am tickled i sometimes possess bursts of superhuman strength in my attempts to escape.

he had me pretty much pinned down, but in all my squirming & screaming, i manged to find just the right angle to squirm my way into suddenly sitting up, really fast. that happened to also be the exact same moment that he decided to lunge forward with all his might in an attempt to keep me in place. with a giant, sickening ***CRACK*** that i will never, ever forget, his big shaved head connected with my face at mach speed.

after a few seconds of stars & birdies flying around my head, i immediately knew something was wrong due to the jaw dropped, eyes goggling reaction of my boyfriend, who just blurted out "it looks fine". yeah. fine for the fact my whole nose was moved over to the side of my face!

so off the hospital we go. you'd think it would just be a simple case of "okay, hang on tight, we're going to pop this sucker back into place", but noooooooo.... whole operation, everything. luckily, the bone itself wasn't broken, but my whole nose was moved out of place. the procedure entailed having 2 metal rods shoved up my nose, which was then completely knocked off my face with a hammer & snapped back into place. i had to walk around with a big plaster cast on my face for weeks (out of pity for having to attend a slew of upcoming holiday parties, the dr. let me take it off early).... only benefit was the weeks of ass kissing worship from my boyfriend & the evil looks he'd get when we went places together ("you bastard! you beat your woman!").

oh, and my mother swears my post-op nose is nicer the original, so i guess i kinda got a nose job on OHIP. [smile]

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wow PP, I just had the same nose job . I was skating accross the blue line reaching for the puck with my head down and whammo the lights were out. I ate another guys shoulder. I've been told by a friend who has seen many a broken nose in his day that mine was the worst he had ever seen. I took the stupid cast off two days later. This happened about ten days ago and its still pretty tender.

My scarriest accident happened a few years ago. I was running a piece of hardwood flooring through a table saw and the cut was off line so I tried to correct it. The saw grabbed the wood and sucked my fingers into the blade. It had cut my middle finger off at the first knuckle. The blade went through the bone and left my finger hanging there. Good news is they were able to reattach it and I have 90% use of it.

note to self: never, ever go near a table saw again!!

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Summer after I graduated university, I spent a few months in Algonquin park canoe-tripping. Once September rolled around I decided to spend frosh week in Kingston with my friends who were going back for a 5th year. Plan was to party for a week and then move back to Toronto and begin assimilation into the "real world" and look for a job. I set up my tent in Shakey's backyard for when I needed to sleep at all and proceeded to enjoy the good life for a few final days.

Woke up one sunny day and hit the booze around 11AM, drank all day straight through to about 2am on my friend's porch. At 2am, started horsing around with some friends play fighting (seemed like a good idea at the time?). One friend took the play fighting a bit too far and did the ole wrestling move the "suplex" (sp?). Picked me up over his head and slammed me down... I proceeded to land on my right shoulder and felt enormous pain. He felt bad and reached down and yanked me back up by my right arm (which was attached to my now-broken collarbone). LOTS more pain, but the drunks around me convinced me I was fine. So we kept going.

A few hours later, the suplex guy starts puking. I had to help him stumble home as he was too drunk to walk. Our walk home involved him leaning on my shoulder / broken collarbone the whole way for balance. He got home, puked more and passed out. I somehow felt like staying up for a bit, smoked bowls and then finally passed out. ON the broken collarbone. Next thing I know I'm woken up in the AM by Shakey and his band who have come back from their East coast tour only to find me doing a crawling hobble using my good left arm across the lawn.

First words out of my mouth "take me to the hospital". They just thought I was drunk (which I guess technically i still was), but I persisted, so they took me there and dropped me off at the emergency room to wreak havoc... some funny stories from the emergency room ... blah, blah, blah .. LONG story short Doctor's didn't believe I had anything wrong with me (maybe it was my "eau du brewery")... regardless, they made me hold SANDBAGS so I would keep still while they took xrays. This did not help the broken bone and Kingstonians must have heard my screams far and wide. They then saw the xrays, realized it was very broken, and gave me 2 codeines (and NO prescription for other medication) and what I initially called the "ghetto sling" as it was of the cheesecloth variety... not fancy at all... not deserving of my first broken bone.

Plus side to every story though.... the bonus of all of this is I got to stay in Kingston and hang out for another month while I "healed". My sling and I became great friends. It became more than a sling... it became the "immaculate sling"! It never once got a drink spilt on it (rule is you wear anything light colored to the bar and said article of clothing magically becomes a magnet for spilt drinks... not so with this puppy!) This sling was a magnet for FREE drinks! Went to the bar every night (physiotherapy)... free drinks for the invalid!!!! Got to live in a tent a bit longer too.... [big Grin]

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Circa 1989,

Mountain Biking up in the Chedoke Orchard Trails in Hamilton on my own one fine afternoon. Long story short was coming down a good wide gravel track at a nice clip and for some reason or another went over the front bars landed on a combination of my head and left arm. Stood up do dust myself off and realized something was wrong.

I clear broke both my Radii and Ulna approx 6 inches from my wrist. My arm was now dangling down so I picked up my bike and made my way into someones backyard and knocked on the patio door and asked them to call an ambulance.

Got taken to Chedoke where they realized they would have to do emergency surgery and booked for 3 am at McMaster. My one and only Ambulance ride. 2 surgical plates and 12 pins later I lost my ambition to become the worlds greatest guitarist. That and not being able to rotate my wrist for a good 8 months. I still can't ride hard either and it's been 15 years.

But I digress!!!

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aahhh, i also am a bitter ex. was in a big fight with my ex drummer (not the present one, he rocks) was crying really hard so i went to the bathroom to get kleenex. on my way in i slammed the door because i knew he hated that. when i went to get out he was holding it shut and wouldn't let me out. so i thought, well fuck this, i am not letting this asshole try and control my actions, i am going out the window. i tried to hang drop to the ledge below and i missed. i fell from the second story to concrete. i broke my wrist and elbow, knocked myself out and sprained my foot, as well as a couple of bruises on my shoulder and knee and the skin between my toes split from the impact. i still stayed with him for a few more weeks and so i told everyone i got hit by a car. but fuck it now, i am not lying to protect him anymore, he does not deserve it. so if you are reading this and you heard the car story, sorry for lying to you for seven months!

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