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Phish on Simpsons Sunday


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"Caution: Objects may appear more edible than they really are..."

"You also get a free bong. Do you want the Wizard or the Skull?" (Neither of which Homer actually used; I was a bit disappointed by that.)

Marge: Why do you still keep that thing?

Homer (pulling out a joint): I use it as a reminder.

Printed on Joint: Dentist appointment Tuesday



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"And a one and a two and you know what to do..."

Sounds like Treyter does.

I like the "POT" chips Homer was eating in Lisa's room. The ending was rather strange though. It is so weird how much the Simpsons use the thirds formula still. I think it is time they get away from that format.

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I'll bet most people were baked. I'll also bet that everyone got a laugh when homer said that the stuff makes everything funny. Made me think that the stuff was making the Simpsons funny.

i loved how they drew his pupils.

Not overly big....just right.

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If anyone taped it, check out the girl in the front of the crowd after Phish finishes playing.

She is wearing jeans, white shirt WITH the red balloon. She looks a whole lot like the "whacked blonde nitrous fairy" in Bittersweet Motel (the scene at about 6:30 am when she dances inexplicably for around 160 seconds of screen time).


Also did anyone else catch the Simpsons tease as they concluded "Antelope". It was brief but it was there right before the "DOH" signal.

All in all a great episode. I was hoping to see the boys signatures on the Reefer-endum. They weren't on the petition........

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the D'OH signal was pretty blatant, wasn't it?

I also noticed that Homer used 2 signature lines to sign his name on the reefer-endum. He also made his O's into little peace symbols.

I want the Homer stoned poster for my desktop wallpaper.

So, did anyone call what show the Antelope was from?

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