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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Julia was a very active member here and shared alot of the experiences you guys had together here, pre and post facebook. Glad she found you and lots of friends through here. It seems like this little corner of the net brought alot of us together. She is going to be missed. If you need to get the word out here for the grossman's show or whatever, don't hesitate to send an info banner or post a sticky if you fell that'll help.
  2. bouche

    I Do. Me Too.

    My understanding is that he was likely referring to every argument against gay marriage is being rehashed here. The difference being that over time, the religious arguments lost their steam and eventually benefits, insurance, ownership, debts, and child support issues all became louder. So here we go again. Starting with religion... notice how I'm expecting you, the reader to do the research. I'm not providing any evidence because I'm too lazy.
  3. Hey, I can ask. fackin' tr0lll
  4. It's been much longer since I've seen them. Where have they been?
  5. Oh yeah, it was. Velvet spearheaded that whole thing. Forgot that you were allowed to record it. Here's the original post
  6. That was a very good night. Lots of effort by a number of people. H made all our avatars and graphix in photoshop, and ms.hux printed off the tags. ms.hux, me, hood and booche laminated all the tag with a lamintor (though I think booche just drank and watched) that Hood borrowed from his dad. We had burgers at a place in mooney's bay and then met everyone at the Cafe Dekcuf. edit: from reading the thread about 3.31.02, looks like laminating happened a few nights before the main event.
  7. bouche

    I Do. Me Too.

    Are you referring to something said in this thread or just the conversation in general? If the former then I don't see it. I'm sure he's talking about everything said in the media' date=' etc. Since we're all too lazy to elaborate on our points and provide some evidence and assuming others will fill in the blanks, no one could possibly comment on the half thoughts in this thread.
  8. bouche


    Since it's related to giving thanks for the harvest, I'm going to guess that we have an earlier harvest.
  9. Happy Birthday! You wrote some great classics that we all know and cherish. fPmruHc4S9Q
  10. A friend of mine has some crazy manufacturing prototyping machine. I have to go visit him and see it some time.
  11. It's magical! The obvious evolution of this is that the tech will be able to do correction on the fly of your guitar, much like vocal pitch correction. Imagine not having to learn to play guitar well anymore. You could technically slide your finger up the neck really fast and the machine will play a nice fast scale or arpeggio for you. Play what you think is an A-chord, but you've got your fingers wrong, and the machine will figure out that you're trying to play an A and correct that. Your strum is WAY off, but the machine knows how the song goes and makes it come out right. This will be used for Evil, much like the whole auto-tune thing has been used.
  12. bouche

    I Do. Me Too.

    Imagine the empire some families could build having 4 working adults in successful positions bringing in an astounding income. Imagine if Bill Gates could land 5 more really smart woman?
  13. There haven't been enough positives to go ahead with the 18th. Looking at january. might need a new poll.
  14. . It was great. No doubt the latest is great too.
  15. bouche

    I Do. Me Too.

    I thought one of the big problems had to do with spousal benefits. Imagine what having dental coverage for 6 wives would do to the insurance industry. Since I don't know much about the insurance industry, I can't really imagine, but I bet it would affect everyone's premiums if polygamy popularity grew. How about that Big Love show? Looks like TV does affect real life.
  16. it's a special edition limited vinyl with special packaging for special people. though the limited CD looks to have special packaging for special people who don't have a special turntable.
  17. wow. NAC. now that's the way to see him.
  18. Can we put more hood photos up? Who's got some? I have a bunch but have to hunt through my photos archive of discs.
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