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Everything posted by bouche

  1. geezuz. tonight is retarded at 9:30. I could stick around at any of those stages. Alan Parsons Proj on the Subway stage would be fantastic. But Les at the Hard ROck cafe stage? Get out! Then you have Sharon on the best stage.... Black Sheep. Styx would be cool to check for the cheezy numbers that every knows and of course a reprise of Gowan's Criminal Mind.
  2. Check out the Top Products for Smuggling Alcohol into concerts.
  3. bouche


    simple and delicious. Marinate some chicken in memories of montego bay jerk sauce (overnight for best results) and then grill it. works great with salmon as well.
  4. yeah, that's what happens after you put away 8 beers. 8 years old is about right. also, I left at around 9:25 to catch a bus. On the way out, I held up my ticket and heard "HOW MUCH?". I turned around and there was an 11 year old (or younger) with his brother and dad. Well, I could have said "for you kid? $20", but instead I just gave it to him and said "enjoy yourself". He said "FOR FREE!???" The look on his face was priceless. Mind you, I bet he sold it 30 seconds later.
  5. I forgot that Lawrence Gowan is in STYX! That's on cheesday Thursday night, however at the same time as Alan Parson Project.
  6. whoa. 5 states with one ball!
  7. bouche

    I'm a Free Man

    congratulations on the wonderful progress. live long and prosper.
  8. happy birthday mark! you are eternally young.
  9. Grand opening July 18th and I'm guessing that it's somewhere in the rideau centre. It's a good place to touch and feel all of the different macs if you're looking to get one. Also a good place for accessories.
  10. OH! shit. I didn't know about that. Well, you can't see everything. The Church was killer at that same time on the Subway stage.
  11. Ultimately, the storms spun around bluesfest but never really landed. There were some serious storms in the distance. Bluesfest was killer tonight and the distant weather systems made from some nice light shows and scenery.
  12. what time are united steel works at? I thought they were at 1:15.
  13. don't believe the weather propaganda. it's pouring again. wear a wetsuit.
  14. http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Games/Mac-Multipac.shtml
  15. Well, I woke upwhen I heard sloop john b and thought it was a full on cover. Very well done nonetheless.
  16. Don't get me wrong. You can organize your files however you want. Spotlight will still help you index and find shit instantly. Spaces is a nice feature of Leopard too. You can configure apps to open in different "spaces" or desktops. I have garageband open in a separate desktop and it switches flawlessly. It helps to avoid open app clutter. Expose helps with that as well by allowing you to hide and show everythign with a simple keystroke or mouse movement. The only time I needed to use the backup was when my computer was stolen, but my backup drive was left behind. It's really cool though because it magically stores the state of every file on your machine. I don't know how they do it, but you can go back 3 days, 4 days, or 4 months. Whatever you want. It's more than just a simple backup. You should read up on all the features. It really blows windows away. http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2007/10/mac-os-x-10-5.ars oh yeah, and you can dual boot and setup a windows partition if you like
  17. I don't know about you, but I always hated the way windows "organizes" our files. Images, videos, etc. If you're like me, you probably have created your own structure. I like the way mac osx organizes files. I don't have to create my own folders to feel organized. Actually, probably the BIGGEST support of all this is their Finder/Spotlight software. You can INSTANTLY find any file that you're looking for just by typing a few characters. You get a list of all possible matches (folders, video, audio, etc) as you type in the spotlight. Microsoft has tried to match this, but they are no where near close. Backup using timemachine is flawless. It's worth spending 60 bucks for an external 500 gig to hook up as a backup in timemachine. I'm pretty sure you would enjoy a mac like you probably did with your first pc. You'll love the packin software with Garageband, iPhoto, iMovie, iDvd too. Garageband can provide endless amount of fun. You could bring back Union of Authority! also if you get an iMac, you'll be amazed at the space that it DOESN't take up.
  18. I heard some vanderslice at Randy's last weekend. It is really good stuff. My plan was to catch that. I never reallly like Matisyahoooo so I probably won't catch that. http://www.mininova.org/tor/2526397
  19. If I had my brain in order, I would have brought my Roland thingy and held it up in my hand. Fuck....it would be good to share that show. The Punch Brothers look like a really good act to catch. Is this rain here to stay?
  20. ahhhh! silverlight! ok, just so you know, that is totally worth having installed. It's getting popular and will keep adobe flash on its toes.
  21. geezuz. thanks for making me feel sad. Sarah, you've got a very kind soul. You are the 1 out of 100 people that would stop and do something about a helpless little animal. Sad ending, but beautiful in another way. Jaimoe, sorry you had to make that call. We kinda wonder why we take in a pet knowing that the outcome will always be heartwrenching, but we do know why we do it. They feel all the love that you give them. i'll go hug abbey now. she won't know why, but it'll make me feel better.
  22. Glad to see a 7:15 act get such great response. I was warned 1 week ago not to miss Okkervil River, and then Northern Wish was kind enough to reinforce that yesterday via email. I made sure as hell that I was there for the start of the performance. I liked them, but I REALLY warmed up heavily when I started hearing their incredible Beach Boys cover of Pet Sounds "Sloop John B". WOW! That was it. I became an instant fan. To pull off such an ambitious pseudo-cover-remake and really really make it sound right was simply fucking amazing. The rest of the set had me unable to leave. I had planned on hitting up Sham Roberts, for some photos but Uh Oh.... I missed that [color:purple]great opportunity in order to enjoy Okkervil River. Sloop John B
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