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Posts posted by bouche

  1. I guess anyone can learn to moonwalk. I thought that he was a superhero witht that damn thing!


    The Moonwalk was a factor in what set Michael apart and clearly in a league of his own in the realm of superstardom.

    Michael did not invent the move, but perfected it and made it his own. First shown to the world at the Motown 25th Annviverary in a performance of "Billie Jean". Although to the viewing world the performance fantastic,

    Michael himself was not happy with it, being the perfectionist he is. Nevertheless the performance at Motown 25, especially the performance of "Billie Jean" which featured the Moonwalk, will always be remembered as a magic moment in the history of music entertainment.

    Learn to Moonwalk

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The moonwalk is a kind of an illusion and takes alot of practice. Below are the best Moonwalk instructions I could find so why not have some fun and give it a try .

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [color:"#FF0000"]Step 1.

    Find a pair of low grip shoes you could try to do it in your socks to start off with.

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color:"#FF0000"]Step 2. Make sure that the ground you use to practise to moonwalk on is also not too grippy, try and find a polished floor.

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [color:"#FF0000"]Step 3. Stand with both feet close to each other, left foot slightly ahead of the right (toes of right should be in line with half the left foot)

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color:"#FF0000"]Step 4.

    Now raise the heel of the right foot so that you are standing on the front of the right foot as if you are taking a step. The left foot must stay where it is (take care not to move it).

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color:"#FF0000"]Step 5. As you lower the heel of the right foot, lean all your weight on the right foot, and drag back the left foot to so that its toes are in line with the heel of the right foot. The left foot's heel must be slightly off the ground at this stage. As you drag back, do not push down on the left foot at all or it will not glide. Make sure as you lower the heel of the right foot (slowly) the left moves at an equal speed. This will need lots of practice to master the right speed.

    [color:"" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color:"#FF0000"]Step 6. Keep practicing up to the above steps until you can make the movement subconsciously without any difficulty.

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][color:"#FF0000"]Step 7. Once you have mastered that, "kick" outwards with the left foot, but although not quite touching the ground, make it look as if it is touching. Move it out a foot-size's worth away from the toes of the right. No part of the left foot should be raised higher than other.

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [color:"#FF0000"]Step 8. After you make your left foot move so it is at the starting position, lift up the heel once more of the right foot. Make sure the left leg is bent at the knee. Now repeat step 5. Keep practicing until you have the whole thing figured out, and it has been verified by others, and you feel quite comfortable with it. You should eventually get that gravity-defying effect and you'll MoonWalk like the pro.

    [color:"#000000" size=2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [color:"#FF0000"]Step 9. Once you've figured it out for the right leg bending, switch legs, and try the same with the other foot. Lift heel of left, lower left as you glide right back. Left still on the ground, throw out right foot, lift up heel of left foot, and once again drag right foot back as left heel is lowered.

  2. Check out this quick list of dialog by Tom Petty on Rollingstone.com.

    Tell it like it is...

    "Getting back to the whole issue of ticket prices: We don't do the Golden Circle/VIP thing. I don't see how carving out the best seats and charging a lot more for them has anything to do with rock & roll. A lot of the time, some corporation's bought up these seats with someone's money who doesn't even know it's being spent -- and they are going to use it to entertain clients. A lot of the people who buy these seats don't give a damn about the music -- they're going to get a waiter.What you see from the stage is a group of people just talking to each other, not really interested in being there at all. And the poor guy who really is interested, he's sitting way in the back."

  3. Arcane, was that "at the risk of being anal" or "at the risk of being an UBER-GEEK"? [Wink]

    Kurly, go into your profile and click "view/update profile". Click on "Select a different Avatar Image" and you get a popup window with a bunch of avatars to choose from. Scroll down to the bottom, and you can put in a url, then click on "set URL", and that avatar should show up at the top left of the avatar popup window. If it doesn't check the url and keep trying until you see it. When you do, you can click on "select this avatar"

    PassedoutGuy.... that sounds like a job for WEEEZY!

  4. I guess youse guys ALL need to get a computer and internet outside of work.

    Phones are good to have as well. Dr.Hux was playing 'hungry hippos' or 'snakes and ladders'. Not sure exactly what the board game was called, but it was something like that. [Roll Eyes]

  5. I didn't realize you were merely a lowly roadie.

    Keep lugging them amps, tuning the guitars, testing the mics, and contributing to posts, and you'll soon be a ROCKSTAR (full member after 40 posts) with all of the perks. [Wink]

    However, if you actually have an avatar that you want to use, send the url to sanctuary@jambands.ca" target="_blank and I'll set it up for you after all your troubles.

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